A prorogued Parliament while the AFC self destructs Dear Editor, - TopicsExpress


A prorogued Parliament while the AFC self destructs Dear Editor, When the President of the Republic of Guy­ana, His Excellency Presi­dent Donald Ramotar pro­rogued Parliament, he was not showing any signs of weakness; he was just exer­cising his democratic rights as Head of State. He was just exercising one of the powers vested in him by the people of Guyana. It came about as a result of the foolishness that pervaded the 10th Parliament and he would have none of it. The jocular thing is the opposition was so blinded by their no-confidence non­sense that they did not see this coming and were caught flat-footed. Utter disappoint­ment for a bunch of losers! And to think of it, most of these guys are lawyers, who should have known that the president could utilize this option. But it all goes to show how dumb the op­position, especially the AFC are, which tells me that the people of this country would make them pay come next election. The President said he pro­rogued Parliament to give the opposition time to discuss the many important issues confronting this nation – the government and opposition sitting down together in a peaceful and amicable atmo­sphere engaging each other in meaningful dialogue. If they are wise, which I am convinced they are not, they should sit down and talk with the government. Failing this the govern­ment will in 90 days dis­solve Parliament and call an election. Guaranteed - the PPP/C will get a majority in parliament once again. So, the opposition will want to hit the streets in protest, which means that those PNC/APNU thugs would be shooting, looting and shooting their way into Indian stores and business­es. Instead of helping the opposition’s cause, it would greatly hurt it, because the people whom they will target will not vote for the AFC. They will not vote for a party that knowingly aligns itself with thugs. While all of this is go­ing on, the AFC would have convened its congress, which might see Khemraj Ramjattan being on shaky ground. The rotating lead­ership system used by that party means that he should vacate his post. This spells more trouble for the AFC. It means that the “Indian” vote would be at great risk if he goes; herein lies their dilemma. What I think will happen is the AFC’s big wigs will alter their constitution to al­low Ramjattan to stay on, because they badly crave the Indian vote. But don’t they realize that the electorate is aware of this? Don’t they realize that those voters out there are going to react to this? Most certainly they would react with more and more of the Indian Voters reverting back to the party that is their only hope. With Ramjattan back in the driver’s seat, this means that discussions about a possible coalition with the PNC/APNU would again take centre stage. This would cause potential vot­ers to become infuriated about this idea of a merger with the devil. It would spell doom for the AFC in a greatly reduced vote and for the PNC/APNU who are wary of a coalition with “another Indian.” I say this with the horrible experience Winston Murray had with the PNC/R when he was to become leader of that party. The inner circle of that party plainly stated that they do not want any “coolie” to lead their party. Winston Murray is what we say in Guyana “a Dougla” meaning a mixture of Black and Indian, yet they deroga­torily called him “coolie” and kept him out of leader­ship. With party hacks who are dogmatically “Black conscious” I do not see how these two little Indians can be accommodated in a co­alition. So, whichever way you put it the PPP/C will come out as the beautiful lily among the mud mess of the combined opposition. Around this time, too, the court case involving rape and buggery of Anthony Welshman by Uncle Ra­phael would have gone into full swing which means that Trotman has to leave office. We as a great people cannot have such a colossal em­barrassment sitting in the Speaker’s chair. In closing, I must say Guyana is at an important juncture in its political his­tory and I am enjoying ev­ery bit of it. Neil Adams.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:07:34 +0000

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