A question for all Christians out there; In the bible, throughout - TopicsExpress


A question for all Christians out there; In the bible, throughout scripture, did God desire for man to be under the yoke of government? The children of Israel had no formalized government. Even in Jerusalem is was the relegeous leaders not a formal form of government. In the new testament Jesus apposed the established form of government in this way. Render to ceaser what is ceasars. He did not say help ceasar build a larger government so you may pay homage to it, and be cared for by it. No where in the bible has God condoned people being under or cared for by large government. So to the question: If the bible, the focus and force and guidance of christen belief, does not subscribe to large government, how can you say you believe in this Holy document and yet do everything you can to support large government, no matter what you "Think" the benefits of that form of government are? We would all love to never see a child without healthcare again, or anyone else for that matter, but the ends do not jusify the means. You can not make a deal with the devil no matter how appealing what he offers you is. and if you are allowing your fealings to decide how you help place government, instead of your faith, then I ask you this too, where is your faith placed really?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 19:32:54 +0000

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