A question of Reincarnation..? For millennium...the mind of man - TopicsExpress


A question of Reincarnation..? For millennium...the mind of man has entertained the idea of reincarnation...the root of it is based in fear...the thought of being finished..the thought of an ending..It was frightening then..as it is today. In some Eastern traditions..they suggest that the soul..consciousness directs itself... as though by will..seeks another "home"..a rebirth into another form...and based on that the fear factor is reduced..They encourage the thought ...the belief that there is a continuance of identity ..of the self...so strongly ..that they believe..trust that it regathers itself in trees..plants..animals..butterflies..and so on.. In Christian tradition there is a matching belief..that the soul continues in the realm called heaven...or hell...that the body sheds itself and we are reborn into a new form of spiritual life..angels..cherubs..divine souls....a continuation of consciousness..of identity in the magical place of the afterlife.. In both cases.."spiritual thinking" ( tricky stuff here) and fear hit an intersection.. a creative passage way that drives them into each other..cultivating the IDEA of reincarnation...it is here that eye brows are raised...???...and thus one either chooses to believe or not believe...and the questions are endless. Keeping it simple...Life...that which permeates all...the essence of what many refer to as God...is timeless..and of no end...its is constantly in shift..change..flux...reshaping..re-expressing..in form and the formless..the visible and the invisible...the Alpha and the Omega...to explain this..to give an answer...the term reincarnation was used...to get another chance as it were.. The key is to deeply know...sense of the deepest core..that all form and no form are reincarnating in the amazing presence of this moment ( tricky because moment implies time)...which includes life as it lives through YOU..thus you..me..are reincarnating ..NOW..You do not have to die to be reborn..or born again...it is constant....It is only thought wanting an ANSWER..fearful thoughts that need to explain this or that..It is almost crazy in a way...that the limits of the mind demand to have an explanation of all things...and the illusion gains strength..and that illusion is reenforced through ritual. Jesus..the Buddha...many great spiritual teachers pointed to the truth ..the essence of this..that which you call ..YOU..is eternal....Peace.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 16:50:54 +0000

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