A rare personal post on this page....... ON GRIEF DEATH AND - TopicsExpress


A rare personal post on this page....... ON GRIEF DEATH AND SPIRITUALITY Today I’m sickened, shocked and absolutely reeling with grief learning the news of the untimely and unexpected death of a very close to my heart friend and sister whose connection with me goes back 30 years. She was my age, 45 and leaves behind 2 beautiful young daughters. Let’s just say that there is not one system on board my vehicle that is not rocked to the core not in a good way. Of course, this news led to those in our circle reaching out for support as you do in these times. In the deep darkness of this situation, there is an opportunity for a pearl of understanding for the many here. Another dear friend and sister who I’ve known just as long and I was speaking with her last night and she said something that absolutely struck me, which was “I miss the you I used to know, but now you’re all grounded and spiritual….” This absolutely shocked me as her comment is a profound indicator how greatly s the issue of spirituality is misunderstood by the many. I’m going to give you a glimpse of understanding that the swami’s and gurus won’t allow you to see. To my dear friend who said this, I love you deeply and thank you for this opportunity. (Deep breath) In my humble opinion and experience, true spirituality does NOT separate oneself from the self or others. I’ve had teachers who behaved like their poo and their information was something that I just couldn’t possibly understand and they knowing this “information” were somehow more gifted or blessed or knowing or whatever you want to call it. Ooops I forgot to mention the poo, of course it smelled like sandalwood and sparkled and poofed into a unicorn…. THIS behavior is an outright LIE, and if you’re buying it you’re getting robbed blind to what I believe true spirituality is. Again, I humbly offer you this: I am one of the most normal and down to earth people you will ever meet. I swear on that and I also swear quite commonly and normally. I fart, eat real food and stress out just like everyone else. I worry about how I’m going to pay my bills and about exercising enough so that I don’t ever fit the description of “fair, fat and forty”. I love to shake my behind to Lady Gaga and eat chocolate. The MAJOR difference between me and others is that I UNDERSTAND the TRUTH that life as it appears is NOT what it actually is. I am well trained in speaking the language of energy which is frequency, vibration and crafted with an Intelligence that is even far beyond the most gifted minds on the planet. Understanding this TRUTH is our BIRTHRIGHT not a novelty. I have achieved some insane impossible stuff (oh the stories I could tell that are 100000% true) just working with the truth that is energy and you can too. I absolutely know this. Everyone can access this dormant part of their programming and this is my mission to help you get back to your true empowerment. You can still live with and use these principles whether you are a neuroscientist, race car driver, garbage collector or if you are only 8 years old. It is a universal truth and LAW. I did not forget my friend who now exists in her purest form as ENERGY. I have been seeing her intuitively as her beautiful 16 year old self, all done up to the 9’s getting ready to work at the Publix on PGA in those heinous green outfits and Gucci purses (80’s people will understand) We thought we were the shat then, and we absolutely were. My physical system will still struggle with all the emotions surrounding her loss (I’m bawling crying writing this) and I can tell you, part of me also died with her yesterday. She was a beautiful and proud Leo sister to my opposite Aquarius, and damn wouldn’t you know that she chose to leave here in this time period that is energetically termed THE LIONS GATE. I can’t make this shit up….totally like her to leave in style, that’s who she was. Sheryl, I will always love you and the memory of the other half of the “best friends” pendant that you gave me for my birthday in high school burns in my intuitive vision. A sparkly golden half broken heart with “st ends” engraved on it (she had the “be fri” part, of course). A message from her, of course…..damn this hurts so much didn’t know I could cry so friggin much….but I will pick up those pieces of what is left of me and move forward, damned and determined to give others the gift of their own true empowerment. We are all Leo-like kings and queens who deserve to reclaim our crowns. I can show you how, just ask me. Sending love and healing to all of the many of us who are in pain through her loss, may our tears heal us and the Creator give us peace in knowing that she is finally FREE. And so it is…I’m off to try and get it together to actually work today, thank Creator for blessing me with a brain that knows how to dissociate…..peace out.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 16:19:48 +0000

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