A rough draft about tonights “possibilities:” Quiet night - TopicsExpress


A rough draft about tonights “possibilities:” Quiet night so far... muggy... lots of crickets... not much moonlight... optimal B&E conditions... Almost too quiet... Bar traffic has slowed down considerably... theres a few domestic fights so far, but nothing unusual... Its one of those nights where I could prowl the streets forever and not see one single crime in progress... Its one of those nights where finding a good story is a roll of the dice... There wont be the typical lunatics out tonight, its just not in the stars... No, tonight is either going to be something huge or nothing at all... The chances of a major crime look slim as Im sitting in the shadows on this HyTown back street, crickets blaring... Im weighing the likelihood of a cold blooded homicide, we havent seen one of those in a while -- but that seems highly unlikely tonight. I might be reading this wrong, but tonight has the makings for a crime of passion... a sudden fit of pent up anger.. .the kids are returning to school in the AM.... perhaps thats it... tensions high around the home... kids stressed out... parents at wits end... suddenly somebody snaps! first theres yelling and screaming and things being smashed... then somebody shouts, what is wrong with you! A burst of quick gunfire... then a moment of silence before the final lone shot.... then its quiet again, dead silence, even the crickets stop what theyre doing.... then slowly neighbors begin to peek out their windows and dial for help after the sudden shock ... right about when the crickets turn back on... It would take the police about 3 to 5 minutes to arrive.... a time span which would seem like hours to those fearing the worse... knowing the worse... then there would be the whole crime scene dance.... yellow tape... 5 million police interceptors line the street.... a command center is set up... then slowly, but inevitably, the news trucks trickle in and take their positions... and light up the outskirts with generators and spot lights... tripods are set up as close as they are allowed to the murder Mecca, wired for live shots.... then comes the interviews with neighbors saying things like they never had problem with the family and they were always very quiet and kept to themselves.... by then my initial stringer footage will be running in Boston and Providence... Ill be upstairs, frazzled from edits between phone calls, at home in the situation room tying up loose ends, and opening a bottle of Cabernet to take the edge off... my dog will finally get taken out for a brief walk, right after having an early morning snack... hitting the hay somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30am, the sun making itself known like some asshole roommate... traffic picking up... kids at the bus stops... a couple on goofballs on the AM talk channel suddenly become serious as they break the news.... for me its old news..... I have to look at the insides of my eyelids for about 6 or 7 hours before I get up in the middle of the afternoon to eat breakfast and begin the entire freak show all over again.... yeah thats it... thats exactly how it will play out tonight if theres a major crime of passion and rage... or perhaps it will be one of the unusually quiet and peaceful nights... one where Ill get into bed before the sun and get past the chapter of the book Ive been reading... the same chapter Ive been stuck on all summer long.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 03:34:12 +0000

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