A seasonal tail from the Glen. Im goin tae tell ye this wee - TopicsExpress


A seasonal tail from the Glen. Im goin tae tell ye this wee tail o’ what happened one Autumn night. A was up the glen at the back o’ ten and the moon was shinin bright. The stars were in the heavens, a could see the milky way. Now listen very carefully tae whit ave got tae say. A was trampin through the bracken and the dugs were by ma side. When a heard this eerie kinda noise and behind me they did hide. Noo that just wasnt like them, as their usually quite brave. But that noise it sure was frightenin, like something fae the grave. Suddenly it got darker as the moon was obscured by cloud. Again heard that noise, so did ma boys and this time was very loud. The clouds they did gather and the stars went oot o sight. It happened just so quick and a thought, somethins no quite right. Then a rumble o thunder, then a flash that lit up the hill. Again that sound , ma heart did pound, a started tae feel quite ill. The dugs they started barkin as the rain began tae pour. Are ye still reading this ? Am no talkin piss, am about tae tell ye more. A memory it came back tae me aboot a story a was told. By a good neighbour o mine who was 85 years old. He said “If ye venture up on the hill when its close tae Halloween, there’s strange things happen in the glen that very few have seen”. Now a didnt quite believe him, as he had a dram or three. But at that very moment, it was all comin back tae me. Here a was up on the hill at the tail end o October. A wish that a had listened tae him, but am afraid I also wasnt sober. A headed doon the narrow path that leads along the river. Soaked right through tae the skin and a was startin tae shiver. The dugs were right behind me, as in ma tracks they tried tae follow. A hope ye believe whit am sayin, some will find this hard tae swallow. The rain had eased quite a bit and the sky began tae clear. When a heard that noise again and it sounded very near. The dugs they huddled close tae me as a hunkered on ma knees. As the moon it came oot again and cast strange shadows on the trees. Just then they started barkin again and a told them both tae hush. When something came flyin towards us and it sure was in a rush. It looked like a horse comin through the gorse wae a single horn upon its brow. At that time I wasnt awe that sure, but no way was it a cow. Well by then a wasnt frightened and ma fear it did subside. and the dugs their tails were waggin as they stood there by ma side. A will have ye know, it was white as snow, as it stopped just yards away. And Im sure if yer still reading this, ye don’t believe a word a say. Many things have happened tae me since a moved up tae Argyll. And they say this place effects ye after yev lived there fur a while. But on that night, it was proved right, just as ma old friend he did warn. Because what a had seen, at that Halloween , was a magical Unicorn. Now for those who don’t believe me and think am lyin oot ma ass. A happened tae take a wee photie o’ it munchin on the grass. But Im not really bothered if ye don’t or if ye do. A will just wish a Happy Samhain tae every one o’ you. ©harlie McAulay Robertson.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:53:21 +0000

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