A simple example of how we can use the ancient Cultural Epoch - TopicsExpress


A simple example of how we can use the ancient Cultural Epoch Theory in our lives: We have a choice in our Evolution. We can either do it or not. But it’s not going to be easy. In order to grow, there are going to be challenges and pain. How those challenges and pains are met and dealt with will determine our outcome. We don’t get to choose many of our challenges. Some of them are innate missions that are the result of karmic agreements from previous lives and asking “why me” is not only pointless but insolent and damaging. A waste of time. The point is that in order to reach a new level, there may be a period of Chaos and potential pain that we have to go through. That’s ok. The pain isn’t going to kill us. It’s going to be alright. As long as we keep moving forward with integrity and the intention to Ascend. I’ve heard people who are working on their own Evolution ask me why they felt good for a while, but then the pain set in again. Sometimes its because they haven’t done enough work to make a change permanent. But other times its just because they are being pushed to make another move to their next level. And in the midst of Chaos, sometimes its easy to think we aren’t going to make it. But I can assure you that while a caterpillar is going through immense biological changes to turn into a butterfly, it too is in terror and thinks it’s world is ending. Until the day when its cocoon cracks open and that first ray of sunshine shines through. Imagine the pure elation that new butterfly must feel. The same will happen for you if you stay on the Path. In times of Adjustment there can be pain too. Missing the way things used to be, getting used to the “training wheels” being gone. So many people fall here and go back to their comfort zone. But the comfort zone is in the past. And to go back to the past means a total lack of growth. And the Chaos was in vain. Never go back. Only forward. But when we achieve Balance, that is the reward. A time to rest and enjoy, but also to thrive and prepare for the next challenge. Because there WILL be another challenge. If we expect to continue to Evolve, another Dark Day will come. The Dark Night Of The Soul isn’t a bad thing you know. It’s just a time when we prepare for the next Level. So don’t get too comfortable, or too attached to that Balance. It won’t stay forever. To be always in Balance with no Chaos is to be stagnant. And to be stagnant is to rot. The Universe is an ever changing and evolving place. And the Universe is inside you. So embrace Life as a series of cycles. Just as there should be gratitude for all the blessings and the good things we love, so should there be for The Chaos and the pain that moves us on to the next level.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 06:15:55 +0000

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