A sun bear followed us for quite some distance before and after - TopicsExpress


A sun bear followed us for quite some distance before and after Kem Sg Retak and I wish knew more about them then. Came back and googled and found some info which i would like to share with you all The Sun Bear spends the majority of its life high in the trees and even sleeps in a nest in the canopy which is built out by folding leafy branches over. They are therefore incredibly adept at climbing which they can do with remarkable speed using their long, curved claws. However, Sun Bears are also known to climb trees by actually hugging the trunk with their front limbs and by gripping with their strong teeth they are able to haul themselves up. Oddly enough, Sun Bears are primarily diurnal animals that spend the daytime foraging for food and resting high in their tree-top nests at night but, in areas that are being increasingly affected by growing levels of Human activity Sun Bears are known to adopt a more nocturnal way of life to avoid confrontation. Like the other bear species, Sun Bears are also solitary animals that are only really seen in each others company when a male and female are looking to mate. Despite technically being a classed as a carnivore, the majority of the Sun Bears diet is comprised of fruits and other plant matter that it finds in the surrounding forest. Like other bear species, their molar teeth have lost their flesh-shearing capabilities and are instead flatter to help with the grinding down of vegetation. Sun Bears eat a wide variety of fruits, nuts, berries and shoots along with supplementing their diet with insects, grubs, honey, eggs and small animals such as rodents when plant matter is scarce. By using their strong teeth and sharp claws Sun Bears are able to break open hollow logs before using their long tongue to extract the termites inside. However, when it is not possible to break the nest in a tree trunk, Sun Bears are known to place their front paws into the hole one at a time, allowing the termites to crawl over their paws before the Sun Bear then licks them off. Turned out that they are not very dangerous. I bet the fellow was just curious
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 14:50:26 +0000

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