A thing or two about Satan in courthouses since I was asked what - TopicsExpress


A thing or two about Satan in courthouses since I was asked what my opinion is: My opinion on people putting Satanic paraphernalia on any government property is the same opinion I have on putting any other religious paraphernalia there: Id really rather you didnt. All questions of constitutionality aside, its in bad taste. Its also not useful. The only people who are actively fighting for “God in Schools” are those who will be strengthened by these efforts. It doesnt convince the Religious Right that The Bible shouldnt be in schools, it strengthens their resolve that America is in need of evangelism, anti-science, and theocracy. This would be true if you were to replace Satanism with Islam or anything else that Americans are afraid of. The point is that its not productive to make it appear as though America is sanctioning some new boogeyman religion. It is productive to make it clear that America does not sanction religion, period. Thats the safe bet, the best bet, the bet that secular activists have been wagering since day 1. Its not a victory when another religion gets on government grounds. It only reinforces the validity of religion in government. A spooky statue or a poorly constructed shadowbox on government property isnt a suit filed on constitutional grounds. Its more and more religion in government. Its “we allowed them, so were OK to be doing this as well.” No its not OK, its never OK, it flies in the face of everything a secularist ought to champion. Its cracking the door open to things that short sighted media whores havent considered. This is also a case where an established religion with a long and identifiable literary history is being misappropriated and spoken for by people outside of that religious community. Thats scummy all by its lonesome. It misrepresents me as a person that wants to propagate a religion in the same way that other religions have propagated: through public sanction. It misconstrues my religion as evangelist and populist, when its neither of these things. It absolutely is not. It proposes a whatever you want it to be version of the religion and that couldnt be further from the truth. My leanings aside, misinformation gets under my skin. Were practically talking Christianity without talking about The Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount. Judaism with BBQ pork and a heavy measure of White Pride World Wide. Islam without submission to Allah. Paganism with no emphasis on the power and majesty of nature. As a lifelong student of theology my intelligence is insulted. I can keep this rant to a minimum by saying that theres a good reason why theres no theory and practice included in the materials of these recent sideshow performers. That reason is an actual lack of both. Its all Kickstarter fundraising. Its someones new career. Its not legitimate. Their success is no testament to their savvy nor their legitimacy. I blame the attention spans of the general public. Assholes would prefer their politics to be edgy and comical, which is why they gravitate so heavily to Comedy Central for their news and opinions. Just like how too many modern feminists would prefer the shill screams of idiots on Tumbler or the members of FEMEN or the marches of Slut Walk to the reasoned thinking of Christina Hoff Sommers. They could all go to better places for better results. Like those who are interested in secularism could follow these links: godoffmoney/ https://au.org/ https://aclu.org/ Lastly, dont trust VICE to educate you on alternative religions. Go to the source: churchofsatan The source that will tell you a proper legal fund is where your secular activist dollars should go.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:11:36 +0000

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