A very good friend and mentor (and superwoman!), Katina, runs - TopicsExpress


A very good friend and mentor (and superwoman!), Katina, runs Pussies Galore Rescue in Queensland. Katina also runs an amazing op shop 160 Musgrave Road, Red Hill, Brisbane which is for the Animal Rescue Support Network. The shop is packed full of amazing gifts at great prices, and all the money raised goes to various small rescue groups, Darwin Animal Rescue included. If you are in Brisbane for Christmas, make sure you stop in and pick up a bargain and meet Katina. This article was printed in Brisbane, some of the excuses are very lame and unbelievable. Its a quick read to enjoy. (Please keep in mind that the rest of this post does NOT apply to those people who genuinely need help with rehoming their furry family member, those people do not fit any of the below categories or situations, and we understand how hard the decision is, and how you are only thinking of the best future for your furry family member.) Which brings us to describe how our days are going at the moment, we are receiving a very large amount of calls, texts and messages to the page from people who, simply put, are dumping their animals. And the excuse we are hearing really arent acceptable. When you add a furry family member, they are yours for their lifetime, not just for now or until you cant be bothered any more. So when trying to talk to these people we ask why they are rehoming their furry family member. We also ask (and we think its very reasonable) that they provide us with good clear photos as well as much information about the furry family member so that we can post them on the page to find a foster or adopting home. We ask for time to be able to do this as we rely on the people who follow our page and our foster carers and volunteers to be able to work on finding a place for the animal. And if the furry family member does not have the vet work done, then we ask that they pay the amount it will cost us to do that (but we dont ask for payment of the cost of the food, litter, housing of the animal for as long as it takes to find it a home). Our simple requests are very often met with disbelief, rudeness, anger and sometimes hostility. Apparently these people do not believe that they have to explain to us why they are dumping their furry family member, they will not help us help their furry family member find a home, they will not take photos, they will not write a message or email with the details of the animal, they absolutely will not pay a cent towards the vet work or surrender fee, and apparently asking for time to do any of this is completely unacceptable to these people. Instead they expect us to meekly take in their furry family member, without any reason given, without any assistance whatsoever, simply expecting us to immediately drop everything (including our paid jobs) to do their bidding, to fulfil their wishes and demands when they want it, and they believe that they can talk to us however they want, abuse us as much as they want, and treat us like crap. Well, sorry, it doesnt work like that. We are a not for profit, self funded, over worked, hardly ever paid or thanked, crowded, struggling, small group of caring people who are trying to do what we can to help as many animals as we can. While we are sometimes told that we are superheros, we are in fact mere mortals and can only do our best. Your phone call is the third or seventh or tenth call in the last 12 hours, and we are very tired of your lame excuses and lies and abuse, we are tired of picking up your pieces and fixing your mess, tired of trying to find money and foster homes and adopting homes, very tired of soothing the broken hearts of animals who know damn well and completely understand that you have just dumped them, turned your back on them and walked away without a second glance, just as we see through you completely as well. But despite what we think of you and your pitiful lies and excuses, if it is at all possible then we WILL help an animal in need, we arent helping you, we are helping the animal because they deserve our help and respect.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 06:19:46 +0000

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