A very precious family friend of whom I have been calling Sister - TopicsExpress


A very precious family friend of whom I have been calling Sister is dying of ALS also known as Lou Gehrigs disease. She is 54 years young and is in the last stages. The Doctors are saying at the most maybe 2 to 3 months left. This is a very miserable disease for any person to have to endure. She was very active and going and running all the time. She went from being highly active to totally NON-Mobile within these last 5 months. She cant even speak words now. All she can do is make noises with her voice. She was not even diagnosed with it till almost 2 months ago. The Doctors here in Oklahoma thought it was MS. My precious wonderful sister Jalynna took her to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota almost 2 months ago and thats when they found out she was in the last stages of ALS. She would have never dreamed of having such a disease. It shocked all of us as well. I cant imagine my whole life coming to a complete halt all of a sudden with such a disease as this did to our precious Lynn. Stuck in a bed just existing, not able to move , not able to speak. What a horrible horrible way to have to live the last remaining days of ones life. I pray that the Lord in Heaven will bless someone with a gift to actually find a cure for this horrible disease very very soon.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:50:29 +0000

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