A word of warning from Paul McGuire; CRITICAL PROPHETIC SIGNS... - TopicsExpress


A word of warning from Paul McGuire; CRITICAL PROPHETIC SIGNS... WE REPENT OR PERISH - PERIOD! I have been measured in my remarks calling Gods people to repentance and the urgent need to cry out to God in prophetic prayer! However, God personally will hold me accountable if I do not act faithfully as Watchman and blow the trumpet loud and clear so that Gods people can be spared horrific judgments that are coming upon this nation and around the world. I have outlined some of these judgments or crisis events below. What the Lord has strongly impressed on my heart is that God is willing to supernaturally intervene if Gods people will call upon Him. God is willing to soften the blow, grant more time and any number of things to pour out His mercy. But, the events below have the potential to unfold brutally or worse, if we do not seek the face of God. There is great hope, if we cry out to God The church was never called to hide behind the four walls of a church building. It is supposed to act as a battering ram smashing down the gates of hell in order to set the captives free! ... I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against. Matthew 16:18 CRITICAL PROPHETIC SIGNS WE REPENT OR PERISH - PERIOD! By Paul McGuire I have been measured in my remarks calling Gods people to repentance and the urgent need to cry out to God in prophetic prayer! However, God personally will hold me accountable if I do not act faithfully as Watchman and blow the trumpet loud and clear so that Gods people can be spared horrific judgments that are coming upon this nation and around the world. I have outlined some of these judgments or crisis events below. What the Lord has strongly impressed on my heart is that God is willing to supernaturally intervene if Gods people will call upon Him. God is willing to soften the blow, grant more time and any number of things to pour out His mercy. But, the events below have the potential to unfold brutally or worse, if we do not seek the face of God. There is great hope, if we cry out to God. Please understand, I am not saying this to be sensationalistic or to fear-monger! The very strong prophetic warning I am giving you is also being given by a number of faithful ministers and ministries. In addition, secular intelligence analysts, economists and highly credible scientific projections concerning what is coming in the near future through think tanks at (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where they are using sophisticated computer algorithms to measure the soon coming global upheaval. In my books, Standing Down Goliath, A Prophecy of the Future of America and in my brand new book, Mass Event, I provide solid documentation for these warnings. The Lord has set my heart on fire and I am under the command of the Holy Spirit to educate, warn and supernaturally equip Gods people. It is not the desire of God to send judgment upon those people who are seeking His face, it is Gods desire to protect, provide and deliver you! If you are truly walking in The Secret Place of the Most High. But, in order to do that you must be taught on how to do that. The United States of America and countless other nations in the world are in the greatest crisis and danger, worse than they have been since the nations were founded. Unless Gods people radically obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and repent, cry out to God and engage in high-level spiritual warfare, there will be the opening of the gates of hell. This is not the will of God, who is a God of love. But, God operates in accordance with His people! Just last night I was reading the Book of Psalms written by King David. Over and over again, David instructs in the Psalms about time after time God was going to send judgment upon His people, but men like Moses and others chose to intercede, Stand in the Gap and God held back judgment. I have been supernaturally called by God to Blow the Trumpet of warning as a faithful Watchman, so Gods people can repent and judgment can be avoided. However, if I, as a Watchman and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ fail to properly issue the prophetic warning to Gods people, God will personally hold me responsible for the blood of Gods people and the consequence of the judgment. However, if I faithfully warn Gods people I will not be held accountable for what is coming. The Lord has also spoken to me through intensive study of scientific research, intelligence reports, economic reports and other data. In addition, the Lord has revealed to me what is about to happen in the near future to America and the world. I do not believe you can be a faithful Watchmen without studying His Word, seeking His face and studying history and geopolitical reports. There is a highly forceful convergence of forces coming against America, Christians and and individuals that can destroy life as we know it, result in the death and captivity of millions of people and turn America into a Third World-style police State. Remember, there are countless parallels to America and Nazi Germany before Hitler took over and both the Christians and Jews ignored the danger and were in denial. The holocaust where over 7 millions Jews and others were put in concentration camps and were murdered could have been avoided. Right now all over America, detention/ concentration camps are being built. When I spoke to General Jerry Boykin about these camps, at a prophecy conference we were both speaking at, General Boykin told me that among the highest levels of the military there was grave concern over the real purpose of these camps. In my 3-DVD series, American Dictatorship, I feature the video testimony of an FBI infiltrator who penetrated a Weather Underground leadership meeting where these leaders talked about re-education camps and millions being killed without even a blush. Allegedly, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were at these meetings. In addition, here are some other crisis events which can topple our nation and other nations that are coming upon us now. Race riots and race wars starting in places like Ferguson, Missouri. ISIS terror attacks in the U.S. from the infiltration of terrorists from our Southern Borders. An economic crisis and banking crisis in the U.S. and Europe, where you would not be allowed to get access to your money from the bank due to new laws passed at the G20. These new laws also circumvent you being FDIC insured. Food shortages and skyrocketing food prices due to things like inflation and the drought in California. Governments in the U.S. and across Europe which will raid your retirement funds, starting incrementally and then trading your retirement monies for worthless currencies and other weakened economic instruments. Major freak weather, earthquakes, hurricanes. Ebola viruses and pandemics. America, EU, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran military conflicts where Russia, China and other nations attempt to place the dollar with competing world currencies. Potential adverse consequences, such as terrorism and gangs from Immigration / Amnesty. This is not a disparagement against Latin people, but there are unintended consequences from practically zero security. Again, this could open the U.S. to major terrorist attacks. Executive action to implement Martial Law in order to manage the chaos on any of the above crisis events. This entails suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The U.S. would be ruled by the military. The Internet, social media, cell phones, television, radio, all transportation food rationing, and bank account withdrawals would be very tightly controlled. There would be no free speech and freedom of assembly and freedom of religion as well as all other freedoms would be suspended. Worse cases scenarios would involved multiple terrorist nukes hitting U.S. cities, biological warfare, shopping malls, cities, sporting events and schools would become targets. Economic crisis created by a major war in Europe, a run on the banks in the EU and then in the U.S. Millions would be forced to stand in soup lines and wait for hours for rationed food. As Martial Law is invoked to manage the chaos all private ownership of guns would be seized, any potential enemies of the state including millions of law abiding Christians would be sent to detention camps, as they are already on the top of the list as Right Wing Extremists. The reality is Martial Law may have to go into effect during a national crisis. Under ideal circumstances, law abiding citizens would want to support our government during an emergency. But, what happens if a political leader from either the right or left end of the political spectrum abuses their power? A military dictatorship could rise from a renegade Republican or Democrat. However, if Gods people, especially His Remnant will obey the Lord, repent and seek His face, I believe that God is willing to supernaturally spare us and protect us at levels that may not have been possible. I believe the Lord has spoken to me in my heart and showed me, that He is willing to move with great power upon our nation and any nation of the world, if His people come to Him. The Lord has impressed in me that He is willing to do, beyond anything we could ask or think! God wants to move powerfully and that means He is willing to drive the hidden forces of darkness from our land with His great and awesome power. Even in the face of disaster, God is willing to do things on a miraculous or supernatural level and make a way where there is no way, for the Body of Christ and for you as an individual Christian. I cannot share the specifics of what the Lord has shown me, but God is willing to do for us the unthinkable. He will be willing to topple great forces of darkness beyond what we can presently conceive. In addition, God is willing to send recovery, restoration and a Biblical Great Awakening. I am asking you to personally join with me at two very important, Hope and Prophecy for the Future of America and the World Meetings, Thursday December 11th at the Sportsmens Lodge at 6:30 PM in Studio City. Events are FREE, but seating is limited so you must register and read directions and info at the registration link! Come join me for two powerful prophetic evenings where I will teach and share from Gods Prophetic Word and minister with a prophetic exhortation. Sanctify yourselves, pray before coming, for the Lord is going to do a great and mighty work among us! As we worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth, and come boldly to the Throne of Grace, God will meet us powerfully as we assemble ourselves together. For the Kingdom of God, is not a matter of talk, but of power, love and a sound mind! As we come into the Presence of the Lord, we will enter, The Secret Place of the Most High and Dwell Under the Shadow of the Almighty! As we lay hold of God and His promises together, you will be filled with Power from On High and the Rivers of Living Water will flow from your innermost being. If you come in faith, with a humble and contrite heart, you will experience the power of the Lord! The destiny of a nation or nations can be changed by a handful of people who will come to the Lord with a mustard seed of faith. Jesus Christ has given us the Keys of the Kingdom and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church! You and I have been called for such a time as this. Your brother in Christ, Paul McGuire
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:10:28 +0000

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