A young girl of six years old is playing outside, shes holding a - TopicsExpress


A young girl of six years old is playing outside, shes holding a stick in her hand picking at a worm in the yard. The yard is full of green grass and flowers. It is 3 in the afternoon and she knows her father will be home soon. Shes anxious to see him and tell him about the new friend she found Mr. worm she calls him. Her mother calls her into the house Are you hungry? No Ill wait for daddy she says. Mom Im bored when will my little sister be big enough to play? the little girl asks Itll be a while before she can play, shes too little her mom says. The little girl walks into her room, paces the floor for a while then lays on her bed wondering what else she could do to entertain herself. Then she hears the phone ring! She gets up fast, hoping that it could be her dad, so she runs to the phone only to see her mom has already answered.. She frowns. Soon she finds out its her dad and shes so excited! Mom, let me talk to him! She says. But her mom does not answer and watches as her face turns cold. She then sees her mom start taking all of her dads things onto the bed and puts it in a huge luggage bag. What are you doing mommy? The little girls asks with curiosity Nothing go get in the car Ill be there with your sister her mom yells. so she does as shes told. Soon after she sees her mom come out with the luggage bag and throws it in the front seat and then later she comes out with her little sister, shes sleeping. Mom where are we going? Her mom doesnt answer, she gets in the car and starts driving. The drive seems long and never ending until they pull up to a tall building. Mom whats here? The little girl asks once again, her curiosity growing, and again her mom doesnt answer. They stop and her mom yells for her to get out the car, her sister is asleep so they leave her there, her mom says Its only for a little while.. Her mom pulls out the luggage then grabbing the little girl by the hand, they walk towards the tall building. They see two tall guards at the entrance of the building. What are you here for? They ask in a dominant tone. My husband is here, Ive come to give him his things and the money they ask for. Her mom says. The guard stares at her and later says I cant let you in, youll have to send that to him later, Please... she insists He doesnt have anything with him, I cant let you in, youll have to send it later maam. the guard says with a stern voice. And with that her mother turns around walks back to the car and begins to cry... Whats going on mommy? Wheres my daddy.. Her mom is siting in the car thinking and crying, frustration written all over her face Your dad is not coming home today Angelica. And the little girl begins to cry and realizes she has just peed on the passenger seat.. My dad was deported a little over ten years ago. His case started out fine, he was able to come in and out with permission as he pleased because he had permission. My mom had her residency and was trying to become a citizen of the United States. My dad was trying to become a resident like her as well so we went to seek a lawyer. This lawyer made it seem easy and we trusted her with everything she said. My dad then started receiving letters through mail asking him to show up to the immigration office to pay a fine of some sort and if he did not they would deport him. He asked the lawyer time and time again why he was receiving these letters and she only kept saying not to worry about them that it meant nothing. On a later occasion my dad had to show up to the immigration office for some paper work, once there he was not allowed out anymore and they told him he was being deported and was forced to sign the papers stating he was being deported. Money wasnt a problem these days my dad couldve paid this fine if the lawyer had said so and even right in front of the judge but they wouldnt allow him to. They went through all his things, & his wallet where he kept pictures of us (my little sister, my brother and I) of course the guards saw this and asked about us but felt no mercy... The reason I talk about this now is because today I happened to come across something here on Facebook talking about deportation of immigrants, I saw many racist comments by some very ignorant people and I wont stoop down to a racist level either and name a specific race because quite frankly it was many... There are so many points of views on deportation that I dont know where to begin or to decide which is wrong or right but here is where I stand. I have seen lot of families be torn apart because of deportation... Ive heard lots of people also say that immigrants should go back home to where they came from.. Well guess what? This is home! There are people who have been here since they were two months old, who have never even seen Mexico yet are considered illegal immigrants who need to go back to where they came from, why? Their parents brought them here it was against their will and you want to punish them for something that they had no control of? There are also hard working people who have worked long and hard hours to get to where they are today. There are people who have been here for YEARS working all the hard jobs that nobody else wants to work so they can prosper, you deport these people and all they will try to do is come right back because this is home.. These people come from their lands to America to seek opportunity, to have a better life. The place that theyre trying to send them back to is no longer home. I am not speaking out my ass, Ive experienced it first hand! Ive watched as my own father and uncles have been put in jail and deported with sadness in their eyes having to leave everything behind and go to a place where they dont belong anymore... My fathers case is different and complicated but unfair, it has now been a little over 10 years and still his case cannot be fixed, but let me tell you my father did not come in looking to be a criminal or drink at all hours of the day, as one person said, he came here to work, that is a stereo type of a typical Mexican. He started all the way from the bottom and let me tell you, I live a decent life and I thank him for everything I have and I am sure a lot of my fellow peers can say the same thing about their parents. I have experienced this first hand and I cant bear to see this any longer. I will advocate for these families, families just like mine.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 05:55:04 +0000

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