AAP OPPOSES MOVE BY GOVERNMENT TO AMEND RTI ACT TO EXCLUDE POLITICAL PARTIES It has been widely reported that the government is planning to bring in an ordinance to amend RTI Act so as to exclude political parties from the ambit of RTI Act. It has also been reported that a draft in this regard has already been prepared by law ministry and sent to DoPT. Aam Aadmi Party condemns this move by the government and questions its intention. It is really unfortunate that the UPA government, which boasts of brining the RTI Act in existence, is killing the very essence of the Act by exclusion of political parties. Even more unfortunate is the fact that none of the other political parties have raised this issue and tried to stop this amendment from coming. This will lead to further mistrust in the minds of common people. This move will only further strengthen the suspicion that our political class are trying to save those indulging in black money and hence promoting corruption. The root cause of corruption is political corruption. And political corruption begins with sources of political funding. Transparency in political funding is the need of the day. If Political parties are really serious to fight against corruption, they themselves should offer total transparency in their funding. On its part Aam Aadmi Party has always strived to maintain transparency in all its dealings. It has put up its donors list on the party website. We request all parties to bring in such transparent ways in their functioning so that common man starts believing in politics and politicians.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 14:12:46 +0000

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