ABANDONMENT = VIOLENCE AGAINST PREGNANT AND LABOURING WOMEN! From the article. The biggest fears humans have is to be abandoned in our time of need and to be held against our will. Labouring women are often subjected to both. Conclusion from the article: So, yes, many midwives and obstetrician’s are wonderfully caring and supportive. But, there are equally as many who subject women to this socially approved low and high level abuse creating mothers who doubt themselves, go away feeling that birth was a trauma best forgotten, that they were ‘saved’ by a terrible experience, that their body’s don’t work and that other people know what’s best for them and their baby. When we change the way pregnant women are treated, how society prepares women for birth and nurtures new mothers, when we train healthcare professionals and update hospital policies with the latest sound research… then we will be on our way to creating a society without violence.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 18:55:22 +0000

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