. ABC Skips Own Poll of Dour News for Dems, Devotes 18 Minutes to - TopicsExpress


. ABC Skips Own Poll of Dour News for Dems, Devotes 18 Minutes to Dancing With the Stars The journalists at World News on Monday and Good Morning America on Tuesday ignored the results of their own poll, a survey finding Democrats in deep trouble for the 2014 midterms. Its not as though GMA was packed with hard news and there was no available time. The morning show devoted an astonishing 18 minutes to promoting the new season of Dancing With the Stars. ABC News labeled this a GMA dance party. According to the ABC News/Washington Post poll, ...Republicans [are] in a stronger position than Democrats in the states with Senate races this fall and more than holding their own in the battle for control of the House. Writers Dan Balz and Scott Clement explained, In the 34 states with Senate races, 50 percent of voters say they favor Republicans and 42 percent favor Democrats. 2. Obama Set to Delay Another Health Care Mandate; Networks Ignore President Obama will be enacting yet another delay for ObamaCare, but the networks were silent about the prospect of it on Tuesday night. The administration is set to allow insurers to keep offering health plans that dont meet ObamaCare standards, and the delay will be tailored around the November congressional elections. The Hill clearly saw the move as political – easing election pressure on Democrats – since it would avoid the firestorm of many health plans being cancelled right before the November elections. CBSNews reported the news, but none of the network evening news casts touched the story on Tuesday. 3. Networks Tout Tax Cuts for Millions in Obama Budget, Ignore Fuzzy Math The three network morning shows combined gave less than two minutes of air time to President Obamas proposed 2015 budget on Tuesday, though they all managed to highlight how the plan will cut taxes for thirteen and a half million working Americans. What the NBC, ABC, and CBS broadcasts all ignored was that the debt projections under the Presidents budget were off by $2.7 trillion compared to recent numbers released by the Congressional Budget Office. As the Washington Post pointed out on Tuesday, [Obamas budget] forecasts a dramatic reduction in deficits over the coming decade. The request paints a much rosier debt scenario than a report released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office a month ago. 4. Ed Schultz Goes from Supporting Keystone to Comparing It to Vietnam MSNBC viewers in February were treated to a rare sight: An anchor disagreeing with the accepted liberal position on an issue. Ed Schultz publicly came out in support of the Keystone XL oil pipeline; on his February 5 program, he even lectured progressives to confront reality and support construction. Well, that didnt last long. On March 4, Schultz compared Keystone to the Vietnam War and wondered if it was as bad. The host began his program by recounting how protests against the Vietnam War started small and grew to an estimated 500,000 in 1969. Schultz compared, Is the pipeline that bad? After noting that only 400 people came out to rally against Keystone, Schultz connected, I dont know what its going to take to stop the pipeline and get the message to the President of the United States. With a picture of Vietnam protests behind him, he concluded, But for reference, this is what we had to do to stop war. 5. CNNs Cuomo Defends Obamas Foreign Policy; Slams GOP Obstructionism CNNs Chris Cuomo ran to President Obamas defense on Tuesdays New Day, after former Senator Jim DeMint criticized the White Houses handling of Russias invasion of Ukraine: Isnt the notion that only might can make right tired? The American people do not have appetite for more military action, and everyone is condemning Putin...Isnt this proof that President Obamas tactic of lets try to talk; lets try to be flexible – not everything is about having the biggest muscles – may be the way the world wants to proceed? 6. Only CBS Exposes Outrage Over Liberal NYC Mayors Attack on Charter Schools Of the three networks, only CBS has investigated the outrage of Bill de Blasios attacks against charter schools in New York City. CBS This Morning journalist Don Dahler on Tuesday revealed, Thousands of concerned parents are traveling to New Yorks state capitol Albany this morning, looking to draw attention to the plight of the charter school movement. Dahler referred to this movement as one parents believe is now under attack. After showing one New York mother who praised the impact charter schools had on her children, the journalist informed, But plans to expand their schools have been repealed by New Yorks New York Citys new mayor, Bill de Blasio. A CBS graphic surprisingly challenged the liberal politician: Charter School Showdown: Outrage Over NYC Mayors Anti-Charter Policies. Free Bumper Sticker ABC Skips Own Poll of Dour News for Dems, Devotes 18 Minutes to Dancing With the Stars The journalists at World News on Monday and Good Morning America on Tuesday ignored the results of their own poll, a survey finding Democrats in deep trouble for the 2014 midterms. Its not as though GMA was packed with hard news and there was no available time. The morning show devoted an astonishing 18 minutes to promoting the new season of Dancing With the Stars. ABC News labeled this a GMA dance party. According to the ABC News/Washington Post poll, ...Republicans [are] in a stronger position than Democrats in the states with Senate races this fall and more than holding their own in the battle for control of the House. Writers Dan Balz and Scott Clement explained, In the 34 states with Senate races, 50 percent of voters say they favor Republicans and 42 percent favor Democrats. The poll found that Barack Obamas overall rating is still a net negative, with 46 percent saying they approve of the job he is doing and 50 percent disapproving, the same as in January. The Post highlighted some good news for Democrats. The headline read, Democrats’ advantage on key issues is not translating to a midterm-election edge. Balz and Clement informed: The American people trust Democrats more than Republicans on some of the key issues of the day, but that has not translated into any political advantage in the battle for control of the House and Senate in this year’s midterm elections, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Midterm elections generally favor the party that does not hold the White House, which gives the GOP a head start this year. Political handicappers rate Republicans as favorites to maintain their House majority and say the GOP has a legitimate opportunity to gain the six seats it needs to take control of the Senate. Yet, instead of covering this, Good Morning America promoted Dancing With the Stars for three segments, totaling 18 minutes and two seconds. On World News, Monday, anchor Diane Sawyer similarly skipped ABCs own poll. Instead, the show budgeted two minutes and 40 seconds to hidden ways to make cash in your home. The entire Nightline on Monday was given over to the Oscar Pistorius case, competitive dating and the Oscars. The superficiality of World News and Good Morning America certainly helps to bury bad news for Democrats. -- Scott Whitlock Obama Set to Delay Another Health Care Mandate; Networks Ignore President Obama will be enacting yet another delay for ObamaCare, but the networks were silent about the prospect of it on Tuesday night. The administration is set to allow insurers to keep offering health plans that dont meet ObamaCare standards, and the delay will be tailored around the November congressional elections. The Hill clearly saw the move as political – easing election pressure on Democrats – since it would avoid the firestorm of many health plans being cancelled right before the November elections. CBSNews reported the news, but none of the network evening news casts touched the story on Tuesday. As CBSNews reported, Obama enacted an administrative policy change allowing insurers to extend existing plans on the individual and small-group markets for a year. Now, the administration will extend that policy again, CBS News confirms. The administration already delayed the employer mandate for businesses with 50 or more employees; now, for the second time, the mandate that insurers offer plans compliant with the laws standards will be extended at least another year. Although the networks ignored the story Tuesday evening, Fox News picked up on it. Special Report host Brett Baier began, We are preparing tonight for another major delay in the implementation of the Presidents health care law. Correspondent Jim Angle chipped in that Obama prepares to offer yet another delay in ObamaCare, one to postpone the political pain of cancelling millions of plans in the individual market just like last fall. -- Matt Hadro Networks Tout Tax Cuts for Millions in Obama Budget, Ignore Fuzzy Math The three network morning shows combined gave less than two minutes of air time to President Obamas proposed 2015 budget on Tuesday, though they all managed to highlight how the plan will cut taxes for thirteen and a half million working Americans [Listen to the audio]. What the NBC, ABC, and CBS broadcasts all ignored was that the debt projections under the Presidents budget were off by $2.7 trillion compared to recent numbers released by the Congressional Budget Office. As the Washington Post pointed out on Tuesday, [Obamas budget] forecasts a dramatic reduction in deficits over the coming decade. The request paints a much rosier debt scenario than a report released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office a month ago. View the Video Here On NBCs Today, news reader Natalie Morales announced: The nearly $4 trillion plan will cut taxes for thirteen and a half million working Americans while expanding the child independent care tax credit to help families afford child care. In a later news brief on the program, co-host Savannah Guthrie touted highlights of the plan that included: ...more spending on education, job training, and infrastructure. And new tax breaks for parents. Morales did mention a more controversial aspect of the budget: The Presidents blueprint also proposes cuts to Army and National Guard personnel. She also noted: Political analysts believe the Presidents budget, though, is unlikely to get very far in Congress. On ABCs Good Morning America, news reader Josh Elliot declared: President Obama will unveil his $4 trillion election year budget plan today. It will include new tax breaks for 13 million low-income workers, but will not include proposed cuts to Social Security benefits. CBS This Morning co-host Norah ODonnell proclaimed: This morning, the White House is getting ready to release a 2015 budget packed with stimulus money. Skipping over the unlikelihood of the budget gaining support in Congress, ODonnell portrayed it as bipartisan: The centerpiece is an approach to fighting poverty that is favored by Republicans. President Obama wants to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit for another 13 million Americans. That program gives tax breaks to the working poor. The President would pay its $60 billion cost by closing loopholes for wealthier taxpayers. ODonnell explained that Obama was seeking more than $300 billion for highways, bridges, and transit and that the nearly $4 trillion budget was slightly higher than the current budget. Reacting to the Presidents proposal on Tuesday, House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan stated: The Presidents budget is yet another disappointment – because it reinforces the status quo. It would demand that families pay more so Washington can spend more. It would hollow out our defense capabilities. And it would do nothing to preserve or strengthen our entitlements. The President has just three years left in his administration, and yet he seems determined to do nothing about our fiscal challenges. This budget isnt a serious document; its a campaign brochure. In divided government, we need leadership and collaboration. And in this budget, we have neither. -- Kyle Drennen Ed Schultz Goes from Supporting Keystone to Comparing It to Vietnam MSNBC viewers in February were treated to a rare sight: An anchor disagreeing with the accepted liberal position on an issue. Ed Schultz publicly came out in support of the Keystone XL oil pipeline; on his February 5 program, he even lectured progressives to confront reality and support construction. Well, that didnt last long. On March 4, Schultz compared Keystone to the Vietnam War and wondered if it was as bad. [MP3 audio here.] The host began his program by recounting how protests against the Vietnam War started small and grew to an estimated 500,000 in 1969. Schultz compared, Is the pipeline that bad? After noting that only 400 people came out to rally against Keystone, Schultz connected, I dont know what its going to take to stop the pipeline and get the message to the President of the United States. With a picture of Vietnam protests behind him, he concluded, But for reference, this is what we had to do to stop war. View the Video Here Schultz sounded like a zealous convert: ED SCHULTZ: So all of these folks across the America who want to stop the pipeline, youre in the 11th hour. I think its great that there are 80 campuses across the country that have mobilized some protests, but this is what I think has to be done. Thats how big big oil is. This is how strong the multi-nationals are. Yet, on February 5, the MSNBC anchor sounded quite different, lecturing his audience: SCHULTZ: On Twitter, Deborah on Twitter wrote, its about climate change. We need to stop all oil and gas extraction. Well, my response to that is the hard cold truth is the United States is an oil and gas dependent country and were going to be for the foreseeable future. And I think it really is a disservice to the conversation and the debate to take an all-or-nothing approach to this. Were not really confronting reality here. On his February 7 radio show, Schultz explained his new discovery: Liberals can be mean when you disagree with them: SCHULTZ: Theres one thing Ive learned this week is that liberals can be just as mean as conservatives. I hate to say that, I hate to report that, but it is just I find it absolutely amazing, the all-or-nothing crowd is out and about for my head because of the pipeline story ... SCHULTZ: Ive kinda found out that Im an American before I am a liberal. Im an American before Im a progressive. And if thats a sin against the movement, then I guess Im going to hell. To his fellow liberals, Schultz railed, And I feel like theres people that have turned on me and, you know what, I know this is really brash but go to hell, you know? Although the host hasnt officially rejected his own position, hes clearly decided its not worth fighting with liberals. A partial transcript of the March 4 segment is below: 5:02 ED SCHULTZ: When I was 11 years-old growing in up Norfolk, Virginia, the Vietnam War was rolling. Protests started to take place on campus at Old Dominion University. In fact, in Washington things started to get a little heated up. It was April of 1965, April 17th. There were 25,000 people who showed up to protest the Vietnam War. They wanted it over with. And then one month later, at UC Berkeley, in May of 65, there were 30,000 people. Well, fast forward to 1967, there were a hundred thousand people in Washington, D.C. who were protesting to get us out of Vietnam. It was a bad deal. Guys were dying. In fact we lost 56,000 Americans in that war. And it evolved to this, this day, November 15, 1969, thats what a half a million people looked like when theyre on the mall in Washington, D.C. This is the largest anti-war demonstration in American history. Is the pipeline that bad? I think its fantastic that there was a demonstration on Sunday in Washington and there were 400 people. Maybe its because of fax machines. Maybe its because of the internet. Maybe its because of iPhones, maybe its because of text messaging and the information age. Maybe were just a different society today. I dont know what its going to take to stop the pipeline and get the message to the President of the United States. But for reference, this is what we had to do to stop war. So all of these folks across the America who want to stop the pipeline, youre in the 11th hour. I think its great that there are 80 campuses across the country that have mobilized some protests, but this is what I think has to be done. Thats how big big oil is. This is how strong the multi-nationals are. -- Scott Whitlock CNNs Cuomo Defends Obamas Foreign Policy; Slams GOP Obstructionism CNNs Chris Cuomo ran to President Obamas defense on Tuesdays New Day, after former Senator Jim DeMint criticized the White Houses handling of Russias invasion of Ukraine: Isnt the notion that only might can make right tired? The American people do not have appetite for more military action, and everyone is condemning Putin...Isnt this proof that President Obamas tactic of lets try to talk; lets try to be flexible – not everything is about having the biggest muscles – may be the way the world wants to proceed? Cuomo also ripped the GOP for standing in the way of passing the Presidents agenda through Congress: [MP3 audio available here; video below] CHRIS CUOMO: What is your message to your party? Because even since from the time that you were there, obstructionism is just the name of the game for the Republican Party right now. And, obviously, thats not leading to any meaningful progress. The dialogue is so toxic, because thats all they have is the talk now, because theyre not doing anything. What is your message to your own party about how to move forward? View the Video Here The anchor brought on the Heritage Foundation president for his take on the turmoil in Crimea, as well as to discuss his new book, Falling in Love With America Again. Cuomo first raised the Ukrainian issue, and noted that there are two theories of how we got to here: one, Putin is a madman, who is looking to embolden his position – get back to Cold War-thinking – of trying to reabsorb territories around him, specifically strategic ones. The other theory is one that I believe you hold, which is he was falsely emboldened by President Obamas weakness – his flexibility – and weve allowed Putin to now take this stage. DeMint responded, in part, that our lack of a concise and clear foreign policy has destabilized parts of the world....Russia tested us years ago in Georgia. They saw we didnt respond. Now, theyre testing us even further....Putin understands strength, not diplomacy, and theyve been meddling in Ukrainian affairs for years...they dont think America will act, and that is a very destabilizing force – not only in the Ukraine, but throughout the world. The CNN personality followed up with his isnt...only might can make right tired assertion, and added his isnt this proof that President Obamas tactic of lets try to talk...may be the way the world wants to proceed question. The former South Carolina senator retorted that if you have the biggest muscles, you usually dont have to fight, and continued with a policy suggestion: JIM DEMINT: ...We needed to do much more to help the Ukrainians, who were fighting for freedom for years....Im not suggesting military action, but we can do things that we can control, Chris. And one of the first things is to get out of the arms treaty called START that we got into a couple of years ago with Russia. We are trusting them to do what they say, and that is foolish, naive notion now. We are not modernizing our own capabilities, which creates more of a perception of weakness, and its encouraging even our allies to get into the nuclear business, because theyre afraid were no longer going to be capable of protecting them. Moments later, DeMint repeated that we dont have to get involved militarily, but before he could complete his point, Cuomo interrupted by targeting Republicans critique of President Obamas foreign policy: But your brothers and sisters in the Republican Party – in Egypt; in Libya; in Syria – were equally critical of the President for extending humanitarian aid; for wanting to be involved on that level – saying, well, maybe its military or stay out of it. It seems like no matter what the President does, he just gets criticism. The Heritage Foundation leader replied, We didnt have a clear policy in Egypt, and sent all the wrong signals. Clearly, in Syria, we drew a red line that turned out to be a pink line, and no line at all. That created a victory for Putin, and showed that the United States was really all talk....We need a clear and definitive foreign policy, so folks know where we stand. And generally, we need to be supportive of countries that are fighting for freedom. Cuomo asked his guest about his new book during the last portion of the interview, but he again found the opportunity to go after the GOP: DEMINT: ...What Im doing in the book, Falling in Love With America Again, is reminding people that not only do our problems get solved more quickly, but our affinity for our country and fellow man is much greater if you and I are allowed to make our own decisions. We can disagree about almost everything and still be friends. Unless someone walks in the room and says, Chris, you have to do what DeMint does and believe what he does – then, were mad at each other, and were mad at the government for telling us to do that. CUOMO: So, Ill leave you with this question: given the message of the book, what is your message to your party? Because even since from the time that you were there, obstructionism is just the name of the game for the Republican Party right now. And, obviously, thats not leading to any meaningful progress. The dialogue is so toxic, because thats all they have is the talk now, because theyre not doing anything. What is your message to your own party about how to move forward? DEMINT: I would disagree with the obstruction idea. What we have is two polar opposite views – is we have – mostly in the Democratic Party now – is were going to solve the problem from Washington, with a big new health care plan. Weve got Republicans – who are not always united in their opinion – saying, no, we can do this better by working with the states – working with the private sector – to solve the problem. But sometimes, the federal government has to let go of things. So, its not a matter of obstructing. Its a matter of the parties are polarized. But what I want to do with this book, Chris, is unite the country around a core set of ideas that Im convinced we all support. The politics is whats dividing us now. I talk to people all the time who agree in principle with a lot of the things Im talking about, but theyd never vote for a Republican and – because the polarization in politics is just not representative of whats in America. Americans can get along and love each other, if theyre given the freedom to live their lives the way they want and to believe what they want, and theyre not coerced by government. So, theres a formula here that I believe works for the country. I think the politics will follow, if we can unite the country around some simple ideas. Almost two months earlier, the CNN anchor went after congressional Republicans for their request for spending cuts to offset an extension of jobless benefits: Are they holding these people hostage? I mean, shouldnt these be extended and then have a legitimate jobs policy discussion? -- Matthew Balan Only CBS Exposes Outrage Over Liberal NYC Mayors Attack on Charter Schools Of the three networks, only CBS has investigated the outrage of Mayor Bill de Blasios attacks against charter schools in New York City. CBS This Morning journalist Don Dahler on Tuesday revealed, Thousands of concerned parents are traveling to New Yorks state capitol Albany this morning, looking to draw attention to the plight of the charter school movement. Dahler referred to this movement as one parents believe is now under attack. [MP3 audio here.] After showing one New York mother who praised the impact charter schools had on her children, the journalist informed, But plans to expand their schools have been repealed by New Yorks New York Citys new mayor, Bill de Blasio. A CBS graphic surprisingly challenged the liberal politician: Charter School Showdown: Outrage Over NYC Mayors Anti-Charter Policies. View the Video Here Going into the details of Democratic special interest groups, Dahler noted that the mayor has the very powerful teachers union behind him because the charter schools dont have to have unionized. Co-host Gayle King even wondered, So, is this payback for the teachers union which backed Mayor de Blasio? Despite doing all their shows from New York, NBC and ABCs morning and evening shows have ignored this topic. CBS This Morning, in contrast, has quickly become the one outlet that regularly challenges and covers the new mayor. On February 21, This Morning was the only network show to point out that de Blasios motorcade drove recklessly– just after the politician announced a new safe driving initiative. A transcript of the March 4 segment is below: 8:07 NORAH ODONNELL: And First Lady Michelle Obama visits a Washington D.C. charter school today. The public school alternative is run with taxpayer dollars are now legal in 42 states. CHARLIE ROSE: According to a recent report, charter school enrollment has grown 225 percent over the last ten years. The number of schools more than doubled. But the issue turning political in New York City where the new mayor is taking his stand to support existing public schools. Don Dahler looks at the controversy getting attention around the country. Don, good morning. CBS GRAPHIC: Charter School Showdown: Outrage Over NYC Mayors Anti-Charter Policies DON DAHLER: Good morning. Thousands of concerned parents are traveling to New Yorks state capitol Albany this morning, looking to draw attention to the plight of the charter school movement. Its a movement they believe is now under attack. Maria Rodriguez has three children attending charter schools in Harlem. She said it felt like winning the lottery when her children were admitted. MARIA RODRIGUEZ (Charter school mother): I was excited. I jumped for joy. The kids were jumping because we always knew once we paved the path with that one that all the other siblings were able to get into this fantastic, phenomenal school. DAHLER: But plans to expand their schools have been repealed by New Yorks New York Citys new mayor, Bill de Blasio. He says its an effort to ensure that public across, which share space with public schools, get equal resources. BILL DE BLASIO (NYC mayor): We know in the past, that some of the public schools that received charter schools coming into them actually saw their programming diminish, saw the dynamics for their kids diminish. We dont want that imbalance. We dont want that unfairness. DAHLER: The move is a sharp turn away from the pro-charter policies under de Blasios predecessor Michael Bloomberg. EVA MOSKOWITZ (Success Academy Charter Schools founder & CEO): Charter schools are free to design themselves around teaching and learning. DAHLER: Eva Moskowitz runs the schools impacted by the reversal. They are some of the top performing schools in the state. MOSKOWITZ: Were in the top one percent in the state of New York in math and were the top seven percent in reading and writing. And that is all schools and our students in Harlem and the South Bronx and Bed Stuy are significantly less socioeconomically advantaged. DAHLER: What happens to this school, to these students if you cant convince the mayor to reverse his decision? MOSKOWITZ: I dont know. DAHLER: More than 600 students could be impacted. Over 2.5 million students nationwide attend charter schools. In 2013, those schools added 288,000 new students, the largest increase in 14 years. New York City schools chancellor Carmen Farina insists her boss, Mayor de Blasio still sees a place for them in city CARMEN FARINA (NY schools chancellor): Charter schools that add value, that work with us in terms of how we make sure that all kids are served well, Im in charge of 1.2 million kids, as is Bill and I think we take that responsibility very, very seriously. DAHLER: This political skirmish over charter schools comes at a time when mayor de Blasio is promoting his major education platform, the effort to provide uni pre-kindergarten for all children in New York. The mayor will also be traveling to Albany today to fight for that program and its controversial funding plan, to tax those making over $500,000 a year to pay for it. GAYLE KING: So, how does the mayor win on this when many parents could say you are preventing us from getting the best education that we can for our children? DAHLER: Yeah. And a lot of parents have concerns about that because these charter schools do well for their children in terms of test scores. The mayor, however, has the very powerful teachers union behind him because the charter schools dont have to have unionized teachers. So, there has been a lot of resentment over the years ever since charter schools were established and made legal. ODONNELL: So, is this payback for the teachers union which backed Mayor de Blasio? DAHLER: I cant say definitely its payback. I will say that the teachers union is very happy if de Blasio limits the number of charter schools out there. -- Scott Whitlock
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 21:48:59 +0000

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