ABOUT CHAUNG-U Chaung-U is a town in central Myanmar. It is - TopicsExpress


ABOUT CHAUNG-U Chaung-U is a town in central Myanmar. It is located in Monywa District, Sagaing Division.It is the principal town of Chaung-U township. In the Bagan dynasty, when King Popa Saw Rahan (also known as King Taungthugyi) governed the country, it was named San Tauk Village. It was a large village where some different natives of the Union of Myanmar, like kayin, shan and lawah(wah) natives, lived warmly together. Then, King Kyansit founded the city gathering ten villages together, e.g, Ywa Thit and Ywa Ma, naming Chaung Oo (or Chaung-U). It is situated 231.46 feet (70.55 m) above the sea level during North Latitude 22° 45 and from East Longitude 95° 8 to 95° 25. Monywa-Mandalay highway road passes it, so the communication to it is so good, quick and easy. Railway of Monywa-Mandalay meets that of Chaung-U-Pakokku in the towns station, so you can get it by train. Its township boundary is officially divided, touching with the boundaries of other townships; Myinmu is in the east, Myaung is in the south and south-east, Salingyi is in the west, and Monywa is in the north. Chindwin River is in the west of the township and the town is six miles away form the river. In Chaung-U, its got a lot of historical ancient pagodas. Besides, its township has got other historical villages, streams, and hills. It was a village at the early age of Bagan Dynasties before King Ah Nawyahtār. To be exact, it was a crowded village, so King Taung Thu Kyi transferred there from Poppa when he was a farmer before he became a king. When he became the King in Bagan, he founded the village as an ideal village surrounded by ten villages and he called it Than Tauk in ME 187. The village was named Than Tauk(San Tauk) because hoes flared up when some holes were dug to bury traditionally the abracadabra copper sheets in the ground and to make fence of the village. Then, King Kyansit founded the city with ten villages including San Tauk and named it Chaung-U. He called so because some waves of Nwe Chway stream was ahead him there although he tried to jump across it. When he was a prince, he had ever been there and he stayed for a while. After that, the prince Kya Swar and his mother stayed and prayed in Saman Daja (Thaman Daza)Pagoda in Chaung-U to become a king. When he became the King, he offered to gild the pagoda. Hitherto, there is still inscription on stone flat for his gilding and offering to the pagoda and donating to the monastery. There are a lot of historical ancient pagodas and monasteries in Chaung-U. Its got over 200 pagodas and 60 monasteries. Among them, the most distinct pagoda is Yadana Shwe Gukyi Pagoda built in the downtown in ME 288. Some people say that it was built by King Ahlaung Sithu and some people say that King Popa Saw Raham built it. Throughout all dynasties in Myanmar, Chaung-U has been a town but it was sometimes a village. When King Sin Phyu Shin governed in Innwa and the country, Ramma Siri Kyaw Htin, the Librarian of Pitakkat and headman of ten villages of Chaung-U, was a famous doctor of literature. Moreover, Min Latwah who served King Mindom was also a famous headman of ten villages of Chaung-U and mayor of A Myint. At the age of the British Colony, Venerable Abbot Ven.D Pa of Maha Dhmmayone Pali University was honored the Agga Maha Pantita by the British Government of Myanmar. Next abbots were also honored that certificate of honour by the National Governments. In ME 1365 or in 2004, the centenary ceremony of the university was celebrated.[4] Many famous poets, politicians and intellectuals have been born in Chaung-U. Now, it is a crowded town located on important highways. Distinction Chaung-U is a town where were not totally destroyed by the World Wars. It had got one of the earliest National Institutes at the Age of British Colony. Sa Khin Kodaw Hmaing,a great poet and politician, composed about the town; Ten Villages of Chaung-U. Venerable Bago Myoma Shweku abbot Ven.Eindarsara, Venerable Mandalay Myoma Masoeyane abbot Ven Siri Nandar Vivansa (Thiri Nandar Bi Won tha) and Venerable Monywa Thahtone Vansa (Thahtone Wontha) abbot Ven Pyinya Won sa learnt their Pari yatti Buddhist literature in the Maha Dhmma Yone Pali University in Chaung-U. Moreover, Venerable Maha Bodhi Tahtaung Abbot Ven Nãrǎda also learnt the Buddhist literature in Kyi Kone in Chaung-U township. Another distinction of the town is of having the most aging festival of Maha Pawah Rāna of the whole township on Thidingyut Full Moon Day every year. In 2012, the 70th Maha Pawah Rāna Festival of the whole township was celebrated. In the festival, all Buddhist monks in the whole township meet each other and make the Pawah Rāna in the only Buddhist Pawah Rāna Hall of the township and Buddhist people offer some articles to them in every Thidingyut Full Moon Day. Such festival has been celebrated successfully and yearly since 1942. As the 70th festival of Maha Pawah Rāna was recently made in last Thidingyut Full Moon Day in 2012, Chaung-U is one of the towns and cities having the most aging Maha Pawah Rāna festival. Directory By the trains of Monywa-Mandalay and Chaung-U-Pakokku, you can get Chaung-U. You can also get there from Mandalay or Monywa, and from Pakokku by cars, bikes, motor bikes or by other vehicles. It is 84 miles away from Mandalay, and 14 miles away from Monywa. Moreover, there is a good highway from Chaung-U to Pakokku. Chindwin river is in the west. Perhaps you may use it, too. Economy Since there have many farmlands all over the township and the town is located at the junction of two highway roads, public business goes quite well and it is abundantly rich of vegetables, fruits and other foods. One can get abundantly and cheaply any sort of vegetables. The communication is so easy, thus the commerce or trade and transportation are too good enough to say that many percentage of population in the town have got enough good business and convenient living standard. Weather and climate It is in a central zone of Myanmar. Its weather is fair. Chaung-U features a tropical wet and dry climate. Geography In the east of the town, there are long rocky hills,namely, Nwechway Hills. The town is situated in plain. In the west, there have many green basin farms where are near the Chindwin river.Those farms in the east are irrigated by Nwe Chway Dam near nwe chway village. List of villages The township has got 74 villages. They are below းး 1. Aung Chanthar Village ေအာင္ခ်မ္းသာရြာ 2. Amyint Village Group အျမင့္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 3. Butar Village Group ဘူတာေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 4. Balawe Village ပုေလြေက်းရြာ 5. Boneto Village ဘံုတိုေက်းရြာ 6. Chaungma Village ေခ်ာင္းမေက်းရြာ 7. Chaungmanar Village Group ေခ်ာင္းမနားေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 8. Dapèl Inn Village တပါယ္အင္းေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 9. Hlaw Kar Village ေလွာ္ကားေက်းရြာ 10. Hman Cho Village Group မွန္ခ်ိဳေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 11. Htan Tawkone Village ထန္းေတာကုန္းေက်းရြာ 12. Htan Taw Kyi Village ထန္းေတာၾကီးေက်းရြာ 13. Htee Kyone Village ထီးကုန္းေက်းရြာ 14. Htoo Ni Village ထူးနီေက်းရြာ 15. I Ni Village အိုင္နီေက်းရြာ 16. Inn Ma Village အင္းမေက်းရြာ 17. Kyi kone Village က်ီကုန္းေက်းရြာ 18. Khin Mon Village Group ခင္မြန္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 19. Kanma Village ကံမေက်းရြာ 20. Kan Gyi Village ကံၾကီးေက်းရြာ 21. Kyauktann Village ေက်ာက္တန္းေက်းရြာ 22. Koetaungkan Village ကိုးေတာင္ကန္ေက်းရြာ 23. Kinmoontaw Village Group ကင္မြန္းေတာ္ ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 24. Kalar Kyi Village ကုလားၾကီးေက်းရြာ 25. Kyaung Sakkyi Village ေၾကာင္စပ္ၾကီးေက်းရြာ 26. Kyaung Saklay Village ေၾကာင္စပ္ေလးေက်းရြာ 27. Kyak Thun Zay Village ၾကက္သြန္ေစ်းေက်းရြာ 28. Kone Gyi Village ကုန္းၾကီးေက်းရြာ 29. Kyun Tharyar Village ကၽြန္းသာယာေက်းရြာ 30. Kyauk Sikkan Village ေက်ာက္ဆစ္ကန္ေက်းရြာ 31. Kone Thar Village ကုန္းသာေက်းရြာ 32. Kanzee Village ကံဇီးေက်းရြာ 33. Mie Tè Village မိုင္တဲေက်းရြာ 34. Myae Ni Kyin Village ေျမနီက်င္းေက်းရြာ 35. Mahti Thar Village မထိသာေက်းရြာ 36. Makyi Dan Village မက်ီးတန္းေက်းရြာ 37. Makyi Gwa Village Group မက်ီးခြေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 38. Minkhaung Village မင္းေခါင္ေက်းရြာ 39. Minti Village မင္းတီေက်းရြာ 40. Myin Myae Village ျမင္းေျမေက်းရြာ 41. Nagar Bo Village နဂါးဘုိေက်းရြာ 42. Nga Shan Village Group ငါးယွန္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 43. Nwe Chway Village Group ႏြယ္ေခြေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 44. Nat Yai Kan Village Group နတ္ေရကန္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 45. Nga Lone Tin Village Group ငါးလံုးတင္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 46. Ngwe Thar Village ေငြသာေက်းရြာ 47. Nyaung Pinthar Village Group ေညာင္ပင္သာေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 48. Nyaung Pinhla Village ေညာင္ပင္လွေက်းရြာ 49. Pè Pyittaw Village ပဲျပစ္ေတာေက်းရြာ 50. Ponenar Maw Village ပုဏၰားေမာ္ေက်းရြာ 51. Pauktaw Village ေပါက္ေတာေက်းရြာ 52. Shweku Village Group ေရႊကူေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 53. Shan Htoo Village ရွမ္းထူးေက်းရြာ 54. Shwe Hlay Village Group ေရႊေလွေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 55. Shwe Kyin Village ေရႊက်င္ေက်းရြာ 56. Sin Myae Village ဆင္ေျမေက်းရြာ 57. Suelay Village Group ဆူးေလေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 58. Shwedar Kya Village ေရႊဒါးက်ေက်းရြာ 59. Ta Line Kya Village တလိုင္းက်ေက်းရြာ 60. Than Pinkan Village Group သန္းပင္ကန္ေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 61. Taung Philar Village ေတာင္ဖီလာေက်းရြာ 62. Taw Kyaung Kyi Village Group ေတာေက်ာင္းၾကီးေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 63. Tazaung Village တံေဇာင္း(တန္ေဆာင္း)ေက်းရြာ 64. Thaw ta Pan Village ေသာတာပန္ေက်းရြာ 65. Taw Kyaung Lay Village Group ေတာေက်ာင္းေလးေက်းရြာအုပ္စု 66. Taung Inn Village ေတာင္အင္းေက်းရြာ 67. Thone Pan Hla Village သံုးပန္လွေက်းရြာ 68. Ywar Thar Aye Village ရြာသာေအးေက်းရြာ 69. Yar Kyi Village ယာၾကီးေက်းရြာ 70. Ywar Htinn+Pauk Inn Village ရြာထင္+ေပါက္အင္း ေက်းရြာ 71. Ywar Thit Village ရြာသစ္ေက်းရြာ 72. Ywar Thit Village ရြာသစ္ေက်းရြာ 73. Ywar Taw Lay Village ရြာေတာ္ေလးေက်းရြာ 74. Wahyar Village Group ၀ယာေက်းရြာအုပ္စု Notable people • Pi takkat Librarian Ramma Siri Kyaw Htin who served King Sin Phyu Shin in Innwa • Min Latwah, the Mayor of A Myint and headman of ten villages of Chaung-U, who served King Mindom • Venerable Abbot Ven. D Pa of Maha Dhmma Yone Pali University • U Wisara(Ven.Wisara), a national hero and martyr of the nation of Myanmar, who was also one of the prominent activists against British rule in Burma and born in Kam Naint village in Chaung-U Township. • U Nyo Mya who wrote the famous historic article Hell Hound at Large in Oh Wai magazine(born in Thawtapan village in the township) • U Maung Gyi,Laeti Pantita, born in Nyaung Phyu Pin village(before, Chaung-U Township)(now, Monywa Township) Popular Places of Attractions • The Noble Handprint of Lord Buddha and Lattawyar Pagoda in Taw Chaung Lay • Yadana Shwe Gu Kyi Pagoda in Chaung-U • Vin kara Pagoda and Makyi Taw monastery in Chaung-U • Shwe Pyi Thar Pagodas in Chaung-U • Kyauk Myin Mountain Peak Monastery in the township • Stone Pagoda and the ninety-nine springs on Nwe Chway Hills • Shwe Sigon Pagoda and other monasteries in Khinmum • Pagodas and monasteries in A Myint old city(A Myint village) • Sin Phyu Shin Bridge • Nwe Chway Dam • Pauk Inn Lake
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:49:33 +0000

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