ABOUT FORTY PIOUS CHRISTIANS SEIZED BY THE LONGOBARDS IN ITALY, AND MOST OF THEM PUT TO DEATH WITH THE SWORD, FOR REFUSING TO COMMIT IDOLATRY, A. D. 566 Shortly after the death of the peasants just spoken of in the margin, as the heathen Longobards, according to their custom, were offering to Satan the head of a he-goat, about forty meek and pious Christians were apprehended. When their captors, in honor of Satan, had gone round their sacrifice, consecrated it by their sorcerous incantations and conjurations, and had bowed their heads before it, and worshiped it, they wanted to constrain the captive Christians to worship with them this head of the he-goat. But most of the Christians, preferring to die and strive for life immortal, rather than to live and worship the idol, refused to bow their heads, which they had always bowed in honor to God their Creator, before a vain and, perishable creature. Thereupon, the enemies of od and His Anointed, who had not hesitated to fight against the Lord, and to kick against the pricks, put to death with:the sword, all of said captive Christians who would have no fellowship with their idolatry; and thus they (the latter), all became blessed martyrs of Jesus Christ. Compare A. Mell. 2d book, 1699, page 299, col. 4. from lib. 5 Dialog., cap. 28.** BAD DAY ?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 01:49:43 +0000

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