ABOUT LAST NIGHT: I was anticipating the evening with a bit of - TopicsExpress


ABOUT LAST NIGHT: I was anticipating the evening with a bit of apprehension, as I did not know what to expect. But from the very minute I walked into the hall I was surrounded by SO many good friends from all walks of life that it took me a full fifteen minutes just to make my way to the front of the room. Everyone was so respectful of their handshake moment to give room to the next person tapping me on the shoulder... and STILL it took me 15 minutes to get up there. It was almost overwhelming, and the program had not yet started! The presenters covered my entire life... from 3rd grade chums... to my first band... to business associates and co workers..... to broadcasters...... to musicians...... right up to the Sheriff of Baxter County. They covered a lot of territory, both in terms of my lifes timeline and by the quality of the content of their presentations... or lack thereof :) - - Thank you, Doug Driesel, for acting as co-conspirator and emcee for the evening. I constantly fought back tears as each speaker took the podium and paid tribute - ALL of them from the heart. When Ray Millers segment included an audio clip of my Mother preaching to me thirty years ago that I would be late to my own funeral I almost lost it. When Jai & Joe performed their Bob Sucks song I thought the entire audience was going to pee their pants, and when I heard the opening strains of Wasted Days And Wasted Nights while Doug and Judy were doing the Tangled Microphone Tango I did not think anything could be any funnier. But when my lifelong friend and confidant Bob Ahrens took the stage... well, he brought the house down with his dry wit and perfect comic timing. I had never seen him like that! He needs to get on the Comedy Central circuit. I could not have delivered my own comebacks without the assistance of that loudmouth, Stage Bob. One thing I DO recall occurred during the wrap up on my address to the White Elephant in the room, was how quiet it had become. Thats when I knew I had everyones attention. I hope I wasnt too preachy but felt compelled to share what I have learned about how important it is being a positive person and how critical to well being it is to avoid stress in our lives. Stress IS the killer !! And I felt I HAD to share it with everyone in that room because the room was filled with people I love, admire, and respect It was SUCH a wonderful, perfect, and special moment in my life...... I will never forget it. Never. Thank you all for being there. It isnt a life-changing moment, but it IS significant when you are recognized by your peers. Its almost a confirmation that... Yes, Youve done well with your life. THAT IS important. It completely filled my glass up... I tried to get around to seeing everyone in the room, but after coming home and reading over the cards in my guitar case I realized there were many friends there I didnt even get to see! To those that I missed... please know that I appreciated you coming even if I didnt get around to you. There were SO many friends there! Old friends, childhood friends, business friends, client friends, new friends, Facebook friends, and even two old friends from the old days in Ft. Smith (the two hippy-dippy pals in terrycloth robes).... the room was filled with love and happiness. AWESOME! I dont have room here to thank each and every member of the Historical Society that assisted in pulling off this event, from the wonderful photo murals to manning the merch tables, to dealing with ticket sales and decorating...... you ALL know who you are and I want to thank you. I would like to especially thank Dave Benedict for all his help (and video) and of course my new BFF, Jennifer Baker, who works on MANY projects at the same time and yet I got the feeling that my event was the most import one (Im sure her other project leaders must feel the same way). SHE deserves to be the next recipient in a place of honor for her actions above and beyond! She is a tireless worker who truly pays it forward. The dust will now settle a bit for me, after over three months of the most intense life-changing events I could never imagine before August. The love and support I felt last night will last me for the rest of my life, no matter how long (or short) it may be. To those Prayer Warriors out there..... I feel your love. To those cancer patients out there, I feel your fear, frustration and helplessness. To those suffering from stress and just dealing with the real world....... KEEP FILLING THOSE GLASSES UP! (y) May God Bless you all!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:17:18 +0000

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