ADD VALUE And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over - TopicsExpress


ADD VALUE And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.(Genesis 41 vs 41). That is the Focal Scripture of Streams of Joy Devotional Today. A close look at Josephs promotion reveals that while in prison, Joseph interpreted the dreams of the baker and the butler(see Genesis 40). He also interpreted Pharaohs dream, before he eventually got promoted by Pharaoh. So, before he got the goodies, he spent time solving another mans puzzle. He spent time showing other people the way to go. His life became an answer to the questions of other lives. He added value to other lives around him. Dont we often make the mistake of wanting to gain value without first doing something to add value to our generation? Sometimes, even we have not made life better for others, we want others to make our own lives better. Friend, God says, add value to your generation. Make life better and more meaningful for people around you. Make your presence an asset to everyone around you. Inspire others unto good works. Help people around you to harness their potentials. Help people around you to rise above their issues. Remember, Josephs promotion came after he added value to Pharaoh. Someone , somewhere close to you just needs you to add value to him/ her; you really havent noticed because you believe your challenges are more than everyone elses. It could be a smile, a kind word, a warm hug, a listening ear, financial assistance, a huge support etc. Life isnt just about you. Reach out today- Add that value and make a difference. After our journey on earth is over- We will only be remembered by what we have done! Will you add value today? Will you become someones answered prayer today? Will you think of others first today? Pray with me,Lord, I will keep adding value to my generation in Jesus name. Have a Glorious Thursday!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 23:06:17 +0000

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