ADDING VALUE TO OTHER PEOPLES LIFE Adding value to other - TopicsExpress


ADDING VALUE TO OTHER PEOPLES LIFE Adding value to other peoples life is a sure way to becoming very successful and fulfilled. A life that is not adding value is loosing value. We all have been created to add one positive value to others in one way or the other. It is easy to say, i really do not care, i will just live my life. My dear that your life has been created so that you can reach out to other people. People who have created things, like the electricity, light bulbs, computers, vacuum cleaner, papers, pens, pencils, airplanes, cars, buses, clothes, shoes, pastors, doctors, lawyers, and so much more, add value to people. They have made living become very easy for people. When you make lives become easy for people, you have added value to their lives. When you see a problem or need and try your best to get a solution to that problem then you are adding something positive to lives. You have to think value always and not just consume value. Majority of us are just consumers, i want this, i want that, we just want to keep wanting and having and not doing anything to make that thing easy to get. For example in the country majority of us live in, there are 1001 problems, imagine if you have a solution to just 1 problem out of the heap of problems, you have limited the problem to 1000 only, and it goes on and on till every of the problems have been given solutions. Africa sometimes think our success lie with other developed countries,We as a continent have become just consumers, seeking charity and help from other Nations. We have turned ourselves to professional beggars and are vibrating needs and wants, lack and poverty always on a continental level. We are just limiting and wasting our time. God has placed everyone and resources where they ought to be and God has placed solutions to problem in every continent. It is now left for us in that continent to dig out this solutions ourselves. The developed countries are developed because there are more people out there seeking solutions to problems and getting the answers to that problem. Someone whose intentions are only to consume will end up a pauper. If your intention is to create so as to ease the life of others, or to find a concrete solutions to others, you will become wealthy. That is the secret to wealth and abundance. Do for others and you will have. Wherever your passion is, there is a problem and a solution you have the answers to. Look within you to get the answers you need and share it with everyone. Share not because you want something back, but because you have something within you and that something is love. It is love that pushes you to act. There is no room anymore for nonchalant attitudes. Those days are gone. The values you add today would determine or define your worth tomorrow. One love always Have a great Wednesday.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:38:52 +0000

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