ADMONITION -n-EXHORTATION... Of miracles and churches... Jesus - TopicsExpress


ADMONITION -n-EXHORTATION... Of miracles and churches... Jesus Christ went about doing good by signs, wonders and miracles. This drew a huge crowd unto him and made many to see that this is the Messiah to come. He went about teaching in synagogues, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing all manner of diseases and sicknesses among the people. See Matthew 4:23. Note that while he was doing this, The Church hadnt been birthed and the Holy Ghost wasnt yet given because Jesus wasnt yet glorified. Miracles were performed by Christ to draw people, who must in turn believe to the saving of their souls and be taught the ways of God. Reconciliation of man to God in the soul is the greatest form of miracles, not getting of job, money, husband, landed property, big ministry or getting healed of HIV Aids. No! Unbelievers that are hell bound can get and have all those. The Church of Christ, as many as fellowship with Christ, not buildings, is founded on the foundation of the apostles first, then the prophets. A true church isnt founded on miracles, signs and wonders. No! Read what Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God. And are built upon the foundation of the Apostles and the prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. Read Ephesians 2:19-20. Any local assembly whose focal point for gathering is only miracles, signs and amazement should be fled from by a serious minded saint! Run for your life! When the church was birthed after the Holy Ghost came down, the people received the word gladly and there were added about three thousand souls to the church. Read what happened next in Acts 2:42: And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers. PR, ministers charisma, hi tech keyboard and TV advert didnt add souls to the church. Christ did. Whats Apostles doctrine? These are the teachings given us by those who had a first hand encounter with Jesus in the days of his flesh. The things they saw, touched, handled and heard of the Word of life, they teach us dynamically and consistently as we fellowship. This is what John was saying in 1John 1:1. Miracles signs and wonders are what God Himself does to witness to the testimony of Apostles, prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers as they witness for Him. No man does miracles. No! No man should advertise miracles, youre not the person doing it. Its wrong! When a man rises and makes his primary assignment to be dishing out miracles, hes a dangerous commodity. Matthew 24:24, Jesus said many false Christ and prophets will perform great signs such that if it were possible the elects will be deceived. Many throng churches in which the GO there perform convincing miracles. Listen to messages these men preach and youll perceive that they dont know the ways of God. To know the validity of a minister, go for the Word and the testimony! Dont seek to see signs and wonders because satan can and had been doing same! 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 warns us that satan can transform into an angel of light, so its not surprising that his ministers transform into ministers of righteousness. Oh! I weep for many whose eyes are opened but dont see, whose ears are opened but dont hear and whose hearts are beating but dont perceive! (Tears). They follow after anything that works miracles on mountains and buildings even while the knowledge of the Word and the Apostles doctrine arent taught to them. The focal point of their praying, assembling, singing, giving, tithing, dancing etc. is to get breakthroughs and miracles. Theres no thirst for the Word of life, no hunger for holiness and righteousness #tears# oh I weep! I weep as I type...honestly I shed tears! Pastors! We will give account! Youre not called to fish out breakthroughs, its to equip saints for work in there own sphere of influence. Thats why we have many sinning folks on our pulpits and pew... Chiagozie Chidebe
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 10:15:39 +0000

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