ADVENTURES IN GROCERY SHOPPING - Special Monday Edition - - TopicsExpress


ADVENTURES IN GROCERY SHOPPING - Special Monday Edition - Episode 714 - America The Beautiful. Still somewhat groggy from a long weekend and an eight-hour drive from Ohio yesterday, but in dire need of provisions, I ventured out into the uncharted waters of Monday grocery shopping. I was feeling a little trepidation, but my fears were unfounded. It was quite uneventful in general, everyone was polite and well-behaved. None of the bizarre encounters that have become the norm on my Sunday trips. Nothing unusual, except for maybe the guy in khaki shorts, black knee-socks and sandals wearing a pith helmet sniffing pomegranates. But then out of the blue, as I was strolling through the frozen food aisle, everything changed. And something very special caught my eye. It was a new product from Jimmy Dean, a giant breakfast sausage wrapped in pancake and served on a stick. And I have to admit, I got a little choked up. Because nothing, and I mean nothing, says America like a giant breakfast sausage wrapped in a pancake and served on a stick. I was immediately overcome by a sense of Patriotism and I almost thought I heard the Star Spangled Banner playing over the loud speaker, but I realized it was me humming. I couldnt help but think that this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they came up with this whole wacky idea all those years back. And I know theyd be proud. And I thought to myself, if we as a nation ever decide to replace the bald eagle as the symbol of America, I think I have found a suitable replacement. A giant breakfast sausage wrapped in a pancake served on stick. Its perfect. A true symbol of America today. Thank you Jimmy Dean. You sir, are a patriot.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:43:30 +0000

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