AFFIRMATIONS FOR RAISING YOUR SELF-ESTEEM By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. In my previous column, I offered some suggestions for discovering or creating your genuine personal identity. Today, I offer some affirmations you can repeat for yourself to raise your level of self-esteem and gain confidence in your behavior that reflects your unique personal identity. We are always talking to ourselves. Silently, we carry on conversations in our heads that have a great impact not only on who we think we are, but also on how we behave. If we think we are useless, we will probably behave in ineffective ways. If we think we are fat, we will judge ourselves accordingly. If we are constantly criticizing ourselves, we will behave in self-deprecating ways. If we talk to ourselves in negative ways, we will feel less important and less valuable/loveable. The good news is: if we talk to ourselves in accurate and positive ways, we will behave in a manner that reflects our true identity and develop a positive outlook on our lives. Our self-esteem will be more accurate and more positive. The following Affirmation Sets are helpful in modifying your self-talk and reinforcing an increased level of self-esteem. Memorize one set per week. Repeat the set to yourself until it becomes part of your current, unconscious belief system. When you believe the validity of your self-talk, you will change your personal identity in 7 weeks. You need to exert every effort to internalize these sets if you want to build a more accurate self-concept and nourish a higher level of self-esteem. Set 1: 1. I accept complete responsibility for my own well being--for everything I think, say and do. 2. I choose to direct my life in constructive channels. 3. I will totally refrain from negatively criticizing myself and from accepting the negative judgments of others. 4. I make decisions and accept the consequences of my actions. 5. I discipline myself by controlling my thoughts, desires, images, perceptions and expectations. Set 2: 1. I think for myself and act accordingly. 2. I allow myself the freedom to succeed or to fail without guilt or feeling inadequate or less-than. 3. I dont blame others for my problems, defeats or mistakes. 4. I get satisfaction from doing my work conscientiously and well. 5. I refuse to accept blame, shame, or guilt. Set 3: 1. I accept problems as challenges to my awareness and its development. 2. I purge myself of all blame, shame and guilt. 3. My current goals and objectives motivate me, so I dont procrastinate. 4. I see things through to their logical conclusion. 5. I do not allow personal comparisons to affect my self-esteem. I avoid comparing myself to others. Set 4: 1. I make every effort to achieve and maintain a positive self-concept. 2. I am authentic; true to my own needs, values, and convictions. 3. I do not try to prove my worth through my accomplishments. 4. I will not base my identity (who I am) on my roles (what I do). 5. I accept myself totally and unconditionally. Set 5: 1. I stand up for my opinions and convictions. 2. I do not rely on others for financial or moral support. 3. I face reality honestly and resist nothing I cannot change. 4. Fear of failure or defeat does not hold me back. Set 6: 1. I do not require others to agree with or approve of what I think and do. 2. I do not let others talk me into things against my better judgment. 3. I am patient, kind and gentle with myself. 4. I avoid over-indulgence and do nothing to excess. Set 7: 1. I walk erectly and greet everyone with a smile. 2. I learn lessons from my mistakes. 3. I never try to impress others with my worth or importance. 4. I love being me! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:35:04 +0000

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