AFFIRMATIVE ACTION NOW John F Kennedy once said My fellow - TopicsExpress


AFFIRMATIVE ACTION NOW John F Kennedy once said My fellow countrymen, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Many men and women have sacrificed their lives for the peace we enjoy today. Many continue to die in places they have no direct relations or benefits but only so that children and people of that country will have peace and democracy. Today, Im N...OT asking you to take up arms against the government of Ghana; but Im challenging you stand up against the injustices, corruption and non performances going on in Ghana. Im asking for you to join forces so that we will use our voices, mobile phones and pens to effect a historical Cultural Revolution this country has ever witnessed. Im asking you to be the voice for the voiceless and help for the helpless. Im asking you to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If Dr Kwame Nkrumah was able to free us from colonialism without the luxury of social media, mobile phone and the modern technology we have today, then we will be FAILURES to sit on these luxuries and watch our country go down the gutters. Let us use the power of social media and pens to create (or atleast try to) the change this rotten country so much needs. If we sit and watch Ronnie, Andy, your family, friends, etc die in vain, then we are a disgrace of a generation unworthy of any honour or respect! Need I remind you of the many deaths and afflictions in this country due to the incompetence of a corrupt few? Need I remind you that since the commissioning of the Akosombo Dam by Dr Nkrumah, none of these political buffoons have built any other electricity supply and as a consequence your children die in the operation rooms and you are unable to compete with the rest of the world because you cannot charge your mobile phone or power your computers? Need I remind you of the Cancerous Mediocrity in the system that caused the likes of the Malcom building to collapse and Ronnie Coaches to die of lack of oxygen. People, it is your country. You decide where you want it. If you want AFFIRMATIVE ACTION NOW, type YES below and together we will forge ahead with plans to take IMMEDIATE ACTION! Shalom! Please SHARE this message on your pages for your friends and friends of friends to see!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 08:06:11 +0000

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