AFRIKA DEFINE YOURSELF: HOW TO PRAGMATICALLY THWART WHITE SUPREMACY AND BLACK SUBJUGATION: A LESSON TO ALL AFRICAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN US. By Senzo Scholar Credit: https://youtube/watch?v=Pz1A59O_e18 According to the iol news - A YouTube video showing two men fight after a racial slur at the Cape Quarter Shopping Centre in Green Point has gone viral on social media. In the video, two white men are standing at an ATM withdrawing cash. They are then asked by a black man behind them in the queue to “hurry up”. One of the men at the ATM responds by calling the man in the line the k-word. The two start shouting at each other and a security guard attempts to intervene, but is left powerless when the fight gets physical. At the end of the video the white man is on the floor after he was punched and kicked in the face by the black man. Police said no charges have been laid. Centre management could not be reached for comment on Sunday. In response to this incident, Jay Blaque, said Well its about time black men in South Africa started sticking up for themselves, blacks have been way too accommodating in that area and now look at the disrespect that you have gotten in return, the thing about most people is the kinder you are to them the more respect and gratitude you get, now when it comes to white people you have to be the opposite as they see kindness as weakness and it is in their nature to exploit anything they perceive to be weak, they will take over a land and then treat the natives In all earnestness, Jay Blaque is spot on. This is exactly how the African brothers and sisters should react to any racially motivated verbal or physical attacks on blacks by white men. As Afrikans in Diasporas and in Afrika, we need to fight fire with fire, instead of expecting some miraculous salvation from colonial and imperial orders. During the apartheid and colonial government era in South Africa, if a black person responded in any racial slur violently like in this video, such a person was to be jailed under the apartheid and colonial laws. In extreme cases, blacks were imprisoned in Robbin Island for hugging a white woman. Thanks to our beloved liberation movement (ANC), now in South Afrika, now a black person is free to beat the hell out of any white person that actuated and espouse any form of racial attacks on blacks, without any fear of being jailed. All those white police in US who shoots Afrikan americans, need to be equally shot back by a group of Afrikans, and in that way they will begin to take black people serious. Marching, preaching and making noise about killing of blacks by white police in US and any part of the world, will not stop it, only similar kind of combat based reaction will put this on ice. White supremacy and black subjugation will only succeed if we are to continue subjecting and submitting ourselves as victims to it. Part of defining ourselves as Afrikans, include doing exactly what this beloved brother in the attached video did, reacting in a manner that we shall no longer worship and submit to any covert form of white supremacy and black subjugation. Instead we shall barrel it out vehemently. I am super proud of this young African for giving white supremacy and black subjugation its rightful place. Aluta Continua!!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 12:12:01 +0000

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