AFTERNOON THOUGHT: People of God it is time that we come to a - TopicsExpress


AFTERNOON THOUGHT: People of God it is time that we come to a place where we drop our uncertainties about God. It is time that we drop our in inhibitions about our walk with Christ. People of God the Lord woke me up this morning with one single thought and that thought was, that it was time for His people to relinquish their unbelief in Him, His word, and His Power. There is no room for unbelief in the Kingdom of God. So what does the word “Unbelief” spiritually? The word “Unbelief according to the Strong’s Concordance is derived from the Greek word “Apista” and it means unbelief or unbelieving. However, the word “Apista” is derived from the Greek root word “Apistos” and that means incredible, unbelieving, unbeliever, unbelievers, unbelieving in. I needed more so I looked the word “Unbelief” up in the King James Bible Dictionary: Unbelief - Incredulity; the withholding of belief; as, unbelief is blind; Infidelity; disbelief of divine revelation. In the New Testament, disbelief of the truth of the gospel, rejection of Christ as the Savior of men, and of the doctrines he taught; distrust of Gods promises and faithfulness, or Weak faith. People of God there are so many of us who say that we love God and we say that we trust Him, but our love and our trust is cancelled out or overshadowed by our unbelief in Him, His Power, or His Word. We believe when we want to believe, what we want to believe, or how we want to believe. What I mean by this is when we have some that believe in God only when God does something in their lives, but when they do not feel Him or He is silent and watching them they simply do not believe. You in this group must be very careful because this is not too far from what the Israelites did. You see, when God moved by signs and wonders the Israelites believed. When He brought the plagues on Egypt they believed, when the Lord told Moses to hold out His staff and the Red Sea parted they believed, but when Moses went up on Mount Sinai and there were no signs and wonders their faith fell and they fell back into rebellion because of their unbelief. Then they went back into idolatry hence, their 40 year journey. Then there are some who reject parts of the bible. They believe in the New Testament, but not the Old Testament. They believe in God, but not Jesus or they believe in the parts that justify the sin in their lives, but the parts that correct or reprove them they simply do not believe in. People in this group what they do not understand is that the bible is infallible, which means that it is incapable of being wrong. We know that the bible is infallible because Numbers 23:19 says “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good? So, being that the bible is incapable of being wrong, to say that the one part is wrong is to say that the whole bible is wrong. Now what this means is this, if you were to say that you do not believe in the Holy Spirit, or Jesus, or Speaking in tongues, all of which are in the bible, then you, in essence, you are saying you do not believe in the whole bible because either the entire bible is wrong on none of it is wrong there is no in between. It is important for you to understand that just because you choose not to believe the full contents of the bible does not mean that will not be judged by it. Please remember that the bible says: For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar. As it is written: “That You may be justified in Your words, And may overcome when You are judged.” There are still those who are weak in their faith. They simple believe how they want to believe. What I mean by this is that they take the faith with a grain of salt. They believe in something, but they do not believe in others. They believe in the prophet’s in the bible, but they do not believe that prophets can still exist today. They believe in the miracles of the bible, but they do not believe that miracles can still be done today; and they believe in some of the gifts of God, but they do not believe in all of them. Now, it is because of this that your faith is weakened because faith is the ability to believe in the unseen. You must get to a place where you trust and believe in God fully. You have to allow His word to become a sweet meditation on your heart. You must get into a secret place with the Lord and ask Him to open you eye gate and your ear gates. This must happen because you have been going to church, but you have yet to experience God as a Spirit and the bible tells us that: God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth, John 4:24. You see, you must come to a place were you are no only having a surface experience with God, but you are have a spiritual experience with God. Then you will come to understand that the bible also says: But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, 1 Corinthians 2:14. People of God we must come to a place where we lay our unbelief aside and believe that the God we serve is the God of yesterday, today and tomorrow. We must come into the understanding that just like God parted sea’s and destroyed His people’s enemies back then He can still do it today. We must come to a place people of God we understand that God’s power is deactivate by our unbelief. CATCH THIS: Unbelief that goes unchecked will birth rebellion; and rebellion will cause you to reject the Word of God, the Power of God, and in some cases the very existence of God. People of God we have to come to a place where we not only trust and believe in the word of God, but we are holding God to His word. His word says: The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly, John 10:10. So, we should go into prayer and supplication and tell God that we have been faithful and that the enemy has come in like a thief in the night, but He has promise us life and life more abundantly. Some can say that it is so hard to believe when our back is against the wall, when bills are mounting, when we have shut off notices, when we have evictions notices, when we have been faithful and yet we received the bad news that it is cancer. While other can say that it is hard to believe when they have lost a loved ones, it is hard to believe when they have and addicted spouse or child, and it is even harder to believe when that marriage that they thought was from God has hit a ruff patch and it seems to be falling apart. Yes, it is hard to believe, but we can call on the God by praying his word and remembering, that they word of God says Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand, Isaiah 41:10.’ The key is to believe what we have prayed! Do not be ashamed to call on the Lord and hold him to His word. Remind Him that His word says: The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles, Psalms 34:17. Cry out and tell Him that you are in troubled time and you need His help. One word of caution if you use this scripture though (Make sure that you are in RIGHT STANDING it clearly says when the righteous), you must know how to rightly divide the truth people of God, if you are not choose another scripture because He, the Lord, just may not hear our petitions. In my closing, I would like to say that we all suffer from the sting of unbelief at one time or another in our lives. The key is to not let the unbelief take root and turn into full fledged rebellion against God. Remember that it is through our test that we build our belief in God. So, let us take on the challenge in this new year to go through our tests without murmuring or complaining knowing that we are growing not only strength, but also our belief in our Father in heaven. My prayer is that we reach a place where our unbelief becomes a thing of the past. Let us come to a place where we understand that we cannot truly worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with unbelief in our hearts. Just maybe if we can relinquish our own unbelief we come out our very own places of bondage or our wilderness experiences and move on into the promise land that we have seen in our own visions, dreams and prophecies. SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY: Hebrews 3:12-16 Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end, while it is said: “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses?
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:21:28 +0000

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