AHIR TAHUN YANG MANIS BANYAK ORDER TERIMAKASIH TUHAN TERIMAKASIH BUAT COSTUMER , REKAN BISNIS ATAS KERJASAMA SAMPAI SAAT INI MUDAH -MUDAHAN DI TAHUN 2015 KITA BISA MEMPERTAHANKAN HUBUNGAN YANG SUDAH TERJALIN BAIK DAN SALIN MENGUNTUNGKAN SALAM SUKSES SELAMAT BERJUANG DI KANCAH BISNIS ASEAN OPEN Asean economic community Competition in the labor market will increase towards the implementation of the Asean free market by the end of 2015. This will affect many people, especially workers who are involved in the sector specific expertise. Here are five things you need to know and anticipation in the face of the free market in Southeast Asia known as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). What the Asean Economic Community? More than a decade ago, the ASEAN leaders agreed to establish a single market in Southeast Asia in late 2015. This was done in order to increase the competitiveness of ASEAN as well as China and India can compete to attract foreign investment. Foreign investment in this area is needed to boost employment and improve welfare. The formation of the single market has been termed as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) This will allow the state to sell goods and services easily to other countries throughout Southeast Asia so the competition will be intense. How does it affect you? Various professions such as medical personnel may be filled by foreign workers in 2015. Asean Economic Community is not only open the flow of goods or services, but also the labor market professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and others. Special Staff of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Dita Indah Sari, explaining that the MEA requires the elimination of rules that have plagued the recruitment of foreign labor. Restrictions, particularly in the labor sector professionals, are encouraged to be eliminated, he said. So in essence, the MEA will be more opportunities of foreign workers to fill various positions and professions in Indonesia are closed or minimal foreign power. Is Indonesian workers can compete with other Southeast Asian countries? A number of professional associations leaders admitted quite optimistic that the skilled manpower in Indonesia is quite competitive. Chairman of the Indonesian Advocates Association, Otto Hasibuan, for example, said that the trend in the use of foreign lawyers in Indonesia even declining. Okay office opened, the sector expanded, but the requirements were tightened. So open source is not open, free of origin is not free. Dita Indah Sari Lawyers us, especially young ones, are already quite superior. During this time were just language barriers. But now many members of our school abroad, he said. In the accounting sector, Chairman of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Tarko Sunaryo, admits there is a concern because many young workers are not aware of the intense competition. In addition to the lack of English language ability, readiness they are also very dependent on the mental. Many are not ready when they compete with foreign accountants. How to Indonesia to anticipate the flow of foreign labor? Special Staff of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Dita Indah Sari, states do not want to missed and claimed to have prepared a strategy in the face of a free labor market. Okay office opened, the sector expanded, but the requirements were tightened. So open source is not open, free of origin is not free, he said. We do not want local workers who actually qualified and capable, but because there are expatriates so displaced. A number of terms are defined, among others, the obligation to speak Indonesian and certification related professional institutions in the country. Labor demand ahead of the MEA will be higher, the ILO said. What are the advantages MEA for the countries of Southeast Asia? Recent research from the World Labour Organization or ILO mention opening the labor market to bring great benefits. Besides being able to create millions of new jobs, this scheme also can improve the welfare of the 600 million people who live in Southeast Asia. In 2015, the ILO specifies that the professional workforce demand will rise 41% or about 14 million. While the demand for labor middle class will rise 22% or 38 million, while the low-level work force increased by 24% or 12 million. However, the report predicts that many companies will find less skilled employees or even one job placement due to a lack of training and professional education
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:07:59 +0000

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