☆AL FATIHA GLOBAL RAMADAN UNITY CAMPAIGN☆ These photos don’t do justice to the beautiful children that we come across in Bilad Al-Sham. All you see, are smiling children, but there is so much more that these photos cannot capture. I’d like to share with you a story of two young boys in Jebel Akrad, Latakia. As we were distributing aid into this town, the two boys in this photo approached the team of aid workers who were moving the food parcels from the storage warehouse and loading them onto a delivery vehicle. At that time, the battery in my camera was depleted so instead of filming I decided to help move the boxes. The boy on the right came to me and said Uncle, I want to help. I said to him, These boxes are heavier then you are. I wouldnt let my son carry them. Why would I let you? He responded by saying, If I were your son, I would carry them most definitely. I would never let my father work while I rest. Touched by his response, I told him that the boxes weigh almost 35 kilos, that it’s midday and the heat is searing. But instead of agreeing with me, he said Uncle, it’s Ramadhan and you’re fasting. Please, let us do it and I’ll get my friend to help. Amazed with his concern, I finally agreed and said, “Okay”. As they began to lift the boxes, I went to a nearby shop to buy them some drinks and candy and when I returned, all the boxes had been loaded. The boys had lifted almost 15 boxes by themselves! When I went to give them their drinks, both the boys looked up at me with smirks on their faces. But once I started opening one of the bottles, they both shouted, No, no, no… Dont open them now. We will have them later. “Why?” I asked. Because we are fasting, they answered! I sternly replied, You told me that you were not fasting and that’s the only reason I let you do it! One of the boys then answered, No, I said, You are fasting Uncle, let us do it. And you assumed that we were not. Before the boy could finish his sentence, I reached into my pocket to give them both some money as a gift for their efforts, but both of them swiftly stated, It is Ramadhan and we helped for the Ajjar Amo (Uncle). SubhanAllah, they wouldn’t accept a gift from me. Wallahi, they made my day. This is the future generation of Bilad Al Sham. They are blessed children with rich hearts, full of character and the future we all need to invest in, Bi ithnillah. This story is related to you by Shamas RI. A truly sincere and dedicated member of our Ummah. Support our humble efforts that are making a difference in peoples lives. Donate towards our ongoing food campaign that is supplying essential food items for families throughout Syria. You can provide a month’s worth of food for an entire family with only £25. Together We CAN and We WILL make a Difference. https://indiegogo/projects/helping-humanity-in-need-syria-gaza-bosnia/ Jazak Allah Khair for your support.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:39:45 +0000

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