ALABAMA POST 2014 - 2015 WATERFOWL REGULATIONS ON TAGGING WATERFOWL!!!! I TOLD YOU TO NAME A STATE I WOULD SHOW YOU THE LAW AND I GOT A CALL TODAY ABOUT ALABAMA SO HERE YOU GO. PRINTED BIGGER THEN LIFE RIGHT THERE. THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SO I AM NOT GOING TO ARGUE WITH YOU ABOUT IT. I WILL HELP EDUCATE ANYONE THAT LISTEN ANY ONE THAT DOESNT REALIZE THIS. I WILL BE LOOKING FOR A PARTNER SOON AND WHEN THEY SUSPEND YOUR HUNTING RIGHTS LIKE THEY DID MINE FOR 5 YEARS, TOOK AWAY MY FISHING, TRAPPING, RIGHT TO POSSESS A GUN OR EVEN BE ON HUNTS, $7500 IN FINES $20,000.00 IN LEGAL FEES, SEIZED OVER $10,000.00 IN GUNS, CAMERAS, EQUIPMENT, AND YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO. CALL ME I WILL PUT YOU TO WORK ;) Just kidding even though it isnt a laughing matter. They got me and I like you had been checked 1000 times before but 1001 didnt go well. I was facing 6 felonies for transporting from the field untagged birds in the back of a truck even though we were not over the limit. The punishment was up to 6 months in prison, $15,000.00, per count or plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of not tagging doves, yes doves they are a migratory bird as well, and pay the fines and give up hunting etc for 5 years. For as cheap as I am selling tags and as much information as I am providing you there is no reason for you to take the path I am on. Get while the getting is good. Call the shot dont wait for another pass guys! Go to the document it is your waterfowl regulation brochure and look at the top of page two on the left hand side. Also note that the entire section right there is pertaining to federal laws in the 50 CFR 20.36 to 50 CFR 20.48. Not all of them are listed but tagging sure is. Now before its said they are always in my possession so I dont have to tag them I will give you some thoughts here. When a pile of them are on the bottom of the boat are blind is it clear who has possession of them? When a pile of them are in the back of the truck that has the boat hooked up to it because the dogs are in the other truck and four limits are in the truck with two guys or just left in the boat? Or when two of you leave to head to the gas station to grab a biscuit ovare (because I love the south you got an ovare not an over there) and there is a pile of 8 ducks in the back of the truck bouncing around? IF YOU ARE TRANSPORTING AND NOT RIDING ALONE THIS INCLUDES A BOAT BUT NOT LIMITED TO JUST VEHICLES. THIS IS DEFINED BY USFWS AS MOVING FROM ORIGINAL PLACE OF REST AFTER THE SHOT (BUT THEY SAY THEY WONT PUSH IT THAT FAR BUT THAT WAS ONE GUY SPEAKING FOR A BUNCH OF WARDENS). I WOULD SAY ANY PILES BETTER HAVE TAGS OR GAME CARRIERS WITH 40 DUCKS ON THEM AND ONE GUY HOLDING THEM. THAT IS NOT GOOD IF THEY DECIDE TO ACT. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ITS IN YOUR REGULATIONS NOW. outdooralabama/sites/default/files/Final-Waterfowl%20Leaflet%202014-2015_0.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:48:18 +0000

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