ALERT – BIT OF AN EPIC. G’morn, Yawwwwn. And another. - TopicsExpress


ALERT – BIT OF AN EPIC. G’morn, Yawwwwn. And another. Yawwwwwwwn. Shakes head, blinks, sniffs. Roll shoulder joints, arch back, gently tilt head from side to side ... nearly jump out chair as Aurora whizzes by at 100mph, lands on window sill, growling. Whew! She meows if the morning routine is not as she wants it. She escorts me (nearly tripping me up sometimes) to the little room first. Then it should be into the kitchen where her feeding dishes are. She’ll flop down on a tiny teddy bear rug and wait for tummy tickles and chin rubs, but expect fresh food in her dish when that’s been done. In the meantime I sneakily fill the kettle and make a cuppa, while she slowly ambles out of the kitchen to sit on the white rug at the entrance to the sitting room. Negotiating manoeuvres round her without spilling coffee has become an art. Then she usually meows her head off for the curtains, blinds and window to be opened. If it’s not done, she gets even more vocal. Well, hubby arrived back yesterday from the mainland and brought her a huge travel carrier. As soon as the gate was taken off, in she hopped and explored it. In the meantime he opened the toys he’d brought her and we spent the next half hour dodging her enthusiasm playing with them. She went daft! I think she likes them. I tried to get a pic of her inside the carrier, each time she hopped out. Brat. The only decent pic I have is through the grill sides with her defiantly staring out. Anyway, I spent most of yesterday watching the Lord of the Isles sailing from Oban to Lochboisdale. It’s ‘normal’ for the data to vanish about an hour+ out of Lochboisdale or Barra. But it remained, albeit static, half an hour out of port. The name of the ferry kept circling every 90 seconds and I chuckled, thinking they were having a waltz in the Minch. Turns out, they were – because weather conditions were not suitable to continue, so they sailed up to Loch Aineort way and lingered until a ‘window’ opened for them to make a dash for Lochboisdale. I was sitting here, fret levels rising, wondering where he was as he should have been home more than an hour earlier! When he eventually arrived, told me what happened, I had a wee chuckle, saying they should have dropped him off at Loch Aineort and he could have driven home from there. It’s lovely round that area and where, what I call, The Enchanted Place is – magical. After spending days nursing the terror-phone in case it rang, carrying it round like a baby, with great delight, I switched it off! Zzzzzs soon made an appearance out of sheer relief, so crawled into the nest for a mini-kip. Ummm – surfaced hours later and Tom told me he’d only partially cleared the ash from the stove as something was broken inside! Hmmm. It’s been burning for 4 days with little snoozes in between. So he lit it this morning to get the room up to temp, will let it cool, that’ll take the best part of the day, and see what’s wrong. He came through and told me the ferry lost a propeller this morning! Divers replaced it, but the ferry has been delayed about 6hrs by that hiccup. Am so glad it wasn’t the cattle sale run. Oops ... this has turned out to be a bit of a saga. Ah well. Am off to enjoy the aroma of the new candles and munch some papaya for breakfast. Might even do some crafting. Enjoy you day
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 08:15:03 +0000

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