ALL CARDS TURNED OVER FROM EARLIER POST. *** THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES *** Card 1 - TIME TO MOVE ON.. Its time to let go of the old and worn out so that the new can come in. By choosing this card your being alerted to the fact that you need to make room for the new by letting go of the old. First, let go emotionally and intellectually. In other words, quit or say good-bye in your mind and heart. Once you do this, the physical letting go will happen naturally, in a peaceful and harmonious way. Ask Heaven to help you make this transition, and dont plan, scheme, or worry about how your letting go (or replacement) will occur. Put all of your energy into prayer and faith, and leave the rest up to Infinite Spirit. Youll get definite guidance whenever its the right moment to take action. Until then, stay lovingly detached from your old situation. Card 2 - ACCEPT HEAVENS HELP.. Youve prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you.. Youve asked, What should I do next? This card responds.. Trust that your prayers have been heard and answered. Simply rest and retreat for now. After all, you prayed for Divine intervention, so step aside and let Heaven intervene, as this is the help you prayed for. You can assist the process initiated by your prayers through quiet contemplation. Ask Heaven to give you very clear, easily understandable guidance, letting you know if you need to take any action. In the meantime, enjoy knowing your angels and guides surround you and your situation with loving care. CARD 3 - WAVES OF PROSPERITY.. New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now. New waves of abundance are sweeping over you right now. Observe any ideas that enter your mind at this time, as they may be seeds of a profitable new venture. Also notice any out-of-the-blue phone calls or chance meetings with people who could help you. This card also means that youre on a success streak. This is an excellent time to begin new ventures (of course, follow your inner guidance and do appropriate research). Youll see that doors open easily for you, and that youre filled with extra confidence and enthusiasm. Practice being a grateful recipient of good. Know that theres an ocean of abundance, with no danger that it will dry up. CARD 4 - ALCHEMY.. You have the Midas touch right now, and every project you begin turns to gold. Youre on a roll at this time, with the energy of heightened success surrounding you and your endeavors. You instantly manifest your thoughts and ideas now, so choose them carefully.. Just as youre capable of manifesting masterpieces right now, youre also able to manifest problems. But the good news is that you can also undo any manifestation that youre unhappy about. An alchemist is someone who turns base metal into precious gold or silver. You have the ability to take ordinary projects and make them come alive with meaning, blessings, and abundance for everyone involved. Your gratitude for your God-given manifestation power, and also the joy you feel in response to the beautiful creations that stem from it, are keys to amplifying your alchemy abilities. Affirm frequently.. Thank you for helping me focus my thoughts completely on joy and the desire to be connected to Divine love. I am so grateful that all of my needs are so carefully addressed instantly. CARD 5 - WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS.. Its important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear. By drawing this card, youre alerted to the extra importance of monitoring your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and every one of them creates an effect in your life. So youre being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts. Most of us slip into negativity occasionally, and you may be no exception. However, you can undo the effects of negative thinking by recognizing them, and stating: I now cancel that thought, and replace it with the following positive affirmation of my true Divine desires. Then list the situations and attributes that mirror your godliness and goddess-liness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible. CARD 6 - FATHER HEALING.. Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven. This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesnt need to take a lot of time it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief, or fear related to your male parent. Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If were unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If were unhealed toward our mother, we wont accept the gifts the Universe offers us. The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universes continuous and all-encompassing giving. Accept your rightful bounty, and open your arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm.. I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father. CARD 7 - OPPORTUNITY TO FORGIVE.. This situation brings you the opportunity to heal, grow, and release negative patterns. Hold the intention of seeing the other person’s inner Divine light and goodness. We will help you release unforgiving thoughts, feelings, and energies, and lift you to a higher place of peace and compassion.. are you holding on to resentment, fear, or pain from a situation of the past? Then ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords to this situation and Archangel Raguel to heal the relationship in all directions of time. If this is something that has been going on for a very long time with you it may take a little while for the sense of heaviness to evaporate but please know the sense of relief will come.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:35:16 +0000

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