ALL OF MY FRIENDS PLEASE READ AND SHARE You may or may not know - TopicsExpress


ALL OF MY FRIENDS PLEASE READ AND SHARE You may or may not know that my wife and I lost our second child to an accidental drowning when he was a toddler. We know children are curious and get into all kinds of things. We all know how fast kids can move when you’re trying to do things around the house so as a team my wife and I took a trip to the store to make our happy little home a safe place. When we finished you could not find a more over protected home full of safety gadgets with gates, plug covers, cabinet/drawer locks for the kitchens & bathrooms and any many other devices. We were sure that we had every base covered when it came to making our home safe for children. The scary item we did not take into account was the most harmless looking thing, our bathroom toilet. I for one had never seen the harm in finding kids splashing in the water of the toilet although gross, never harmful until this horror filled our lives. This time our son (who had somehow lifted the lid and was playing in the toilet) had leaned over the bowl too far then fell in head first and being a toddler he did not have the strength to push himself up and out. He ingested enough water to fill his little lungs and drowned. By the time my wife found him only a minute or two had passed, the time it took to go put a load of laundry in the dryer. The screaming and horror turned into a frantic 911 call and CPR. By the time the EMS arrived breathing was restored and he was rushed to the local hospital. All we could think is that this is not really happening and this is one of those things that “happens” to other people. It was all too real when they told us he may not make it and they did not know how much time his little brain went without oxygen. This caused his brain to swell thus causing brain damage. We had one chance and that was to Life Flight him to Primary Children’s Hospital in Salt Lake City 40 miles away in a horrible snow storm. Our son suffered from massive brain damage to the point we would never have back the cute and very funny child we had before this. He would never walk, never talk and function like most children his age. Yes we had very small mile stones like while clipping his toe nails he laughed while tickling his feet. He spent months there and because of reaching maximum insurance benefits we later had to move him to a long term care hospital where he declined more. We decided to move him to a nursing home close to home where family and us could visit with him anytime. Months had passed by and our son spent his time in bed straight with his little muscles stiff, his body would always over heat so he had a fan blowing on him constantly. One day he had become very sick and needed to be taken to back to the hospital. His little body could not fight off the illness although he tried for 2 weeks as family took shifts keeping watch over him 24 hours a day. Why am I telling you this sad story? We have very dear friends who just had babies and some that are expecting so when we received a coupon mailer with a coupon for Any Hour Services with a picture of an adorable little toddler playing in a toilet with a rubber ducky you can imagine our pain has now been brought back to the forefront and the reality that people really just don’t understand this danger lurking in EVERY home. In disbelief of what I was seeing I showed my wife the coupon to which she said “No way, really?!” We were disgusted and no matter how cute the child in the ad that this is a tragedy and we wanted to make sure what had happen to us did not happen to anyone else. We know that this is something that people don’t think about when it comes to child safety so we looked into this company a little. This is not the first time they have used a picture like this I found this on their Facebook page. https://facebook/AnyHourServices#!/AnyHourServices/photos/pb.124967297585666.-2207520000.1395153404./559653387450386/?type=3&theater In their 2013 pictures on Facebook they have a picture of where their company is featured on the cover of Hometown Values for Southern Utah County of two very cute and very adorable children (3 and 1 years old) playing with rubber ducks in the toilet. Please don’t get me wrong this is a cute picture and cute sells but we felt something had to be said to the advertiser as well as the company. My wife contacted their marketing director and explained our concerns about this picture sending the wrong message that this is a safe activity and that we lost a child to a drowning in the toilet he told her he was sorry for that. She then told him the intention is not to slander their business and we understood they could not remove these coupons that were already in circulation in the money mailer but asked if they could assure us this picture would not be use for any further advertisements. His response was “I can’t promise that, this picture is cute and relatable!” She told him that she was seriously concerned with that answer and told her that he would speak to others involved in decision making and then asked for a call back with their decision. Not receiving a call back my wife called back five days later and left a voice mail for the owners that she did not receive a return call as requested from the owner or the marketing director. I am asking you to share this with your family, your friends on facebook or any other social media outlet you feel necessary for the Any Hour Services to stop using this potentially harmful picture in their advertisements. You call them at 1-801-928-2295 ask for Wyatt or Jeremy or go to their Facebook page to kindly ask them to please stop using these pictures. Thank You For Your Time- Vince
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:54:05 +0000

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