ALL PROTESTANTS, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO ATTACK THE CATHOLICS WITHOUT STRONG LOGICAL GROUND AND COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF CERTAIN TOPICS YOU ARE THROWING ON AIR. YOU ARE BORN TO LEARN, NOT TO ATTACK JESUS INDIRECTLY. TAKE THIS TOPIC ABOUT THE ROSARY, ITS HISTORICAL BACKGROUND. AFTER READING THIS YOU FACE US SQUARELY AND ASK AGAIN WHY DO WE SAY THE PRAYERS INSIDE THE ROSARY. THIS IS INTENDED FOR YOU TO LEARN INCLUDING THE CATHOLICS WHO NEED ALSO THE COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT IT. ENJOY READING THIS. THANKS! According to Mr. Cenon Bibe, a University professor-writer, that in those early Christian communities, no ordinary man could easily purchase a “BIBLE” for his own (a whole set of individual books in scroll forms, etc. known as Holy Scriptures) because it was too expensive to do it. Anyone who wanted to have even a single copy of a specific book had to pay for the copyists (scribes) to have them copied for them from the original copies. More so a Bible is composed not only of one book but, of course, of 73 individual scriptures from both the OT and the NT. Hence, to analyze, its only the able rich people, like the kings, or any one in the royal family could purchase for his own copy including the monasteries, seminaries, convents, or parishes, etc. In reality, we know that in those early years of Christianity, the printing press was not yet invented. Hence, the scarcity of copies was prevalent. The printing press was just invented in 1453 by Johannes Gutenberg, a Catholic German scientist whose aim of inventing was to publish the first Bible in codex form (our book form today not in scrolls). By the printing press everyone had the easy access in owning a Bible for his own. In order that the people should be able to have their own copy of the Bible by their own initiative, theyd got to have it by memorizing the important passages of the Bible especially the Jesus events which is all about the Life, Passion, Suffering, Death, Resurrection, etc. of Jesus. But, in what way did they do it in those days? The answer is, they had memorized those very important events in the Bible by saying the Rosary bead by bead that corresponded to every prayer coming from the Bible especially the “Our Father”, the “Hail Mary”, the “Glory be”, the Jesus’ Paschal Mysteries – Joyful, Glorious, and Sorrowful mysteries that are all read in the Bible. With all these, the Church’s living tradition inserted into it a few prayers like “Oh, my Jesus forgive us our sins…” and the “Hail, Holy Queen…,” etc. to give more emphasis on its Catholicity. The Joyful mysteries comprise the annunciation of Jesus’ birth by the Angel Gabriel to Mary, visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, the birth of Jesus, his offering in the Temple, and his losing and finding in the Temple. All these are inside the Bible. To add, the Sorrowful Mysteries and Glorious Mysteries are all packed in the Bible respectively too. They comprise Jesus’ agony in the garden, his scourging by the soldiers at the stone pillar, the crowning of thorns onto his head, the carrying of the cross in going to Golgotha, and the crucifixion and his death on the cross. While the Glorious mysteries consist of Jesus’ resurrection, his ascension to heaven, the descent of the Holy Spirit, the assumption of mother Mary together with her coronation in heaven that are written in the Book of Revelations. Such became the part of the Church’s living tradition. Indeed, the tradition of the Church is perennially alive since it is apparent that until today it still moves on. When St. John Paul II became a pope he initiated the adding of the new set of mysteries in the Rosary. The traditional three-mystery Rosary has now become four-mystery Rosary. The Light Mysteries he added comprise the 1st light mystery - The Baptism of Jesus, 2nd light mystery - The wedding of Cana, 3rd light mystery - The proclamation of the Kingdom of God, 4th light mystery - The Transfiguration, and 5th light mystery - The institution of the Eucharist. All these are not the Church’s inventions because they are all found in the Bible. So, who says it is blasphemous to say the prayers in the Rosary when they are all coming from the Bible? No one can refute this tradition of the Church because the Church, as defined by St. Paul as the vanguard and pillar of truth (1 Tim 3:15) has hold on tenaciously to the Tradition in both words and writings so defined once again by St. Paul in his 2nd letter to the Thessalonians 2:15. The Rosary has become part of the Christian life since then. And until today we are able to reflect on Jesus’ special events, his Words and deeds, when we say the Rosary. And because in the incarnation of Jesus there was Mother Mary who was made the cause of the formation of Jesus flesh, so to say, her important role in the history of salvation, Mary could not be separated from the life of Jesus. Hence, Mary must be the vessel in doing for the reflection on Jesus’ by the Rosary. In honoring the rosary, we honor Mary, simply because Mother Mary is the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ in the human form that saved us from the stain of the first offense committed by our fore parents. And without this mother there could have been no savior born to save us; without Mother Mary there could have been no Jesus born in the midst of us to be our concrete and tangible God, who is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15). Indeed, in the incarnation of Jesus, Mary is the most important being who exemplified to us a very pure heart, free from blemish, and full of trust in the Lord. Without here the life of Jesus, the Jesus event could not have been materialized. Hence, together with Mary, we honor too the memory of those who died for Jesus in the early Christian communities including those martyred for their faith whose blood became the great foundation of the Church in Rome, and we memorize the Jesus events in our own special way. Therefore, saying the rosary is like reading a small Bible, a pocket book about Jesus, about his life that includes Mother Mary among other holy men, the apostles, the apostles’ disciples, those ordained by the apostles and Jesus’ Paschal Mystery in his Suffering, Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension, Parousia, etc. NOW, AS YOUVE DONE READING IT, GO TO THE COMMENT BOX AND TELL US WHERE DO WE GO WRONG WITH THIS TRADITION WHICH PREDATES TOO THE BIRTH OF YOUR PROTESTANT DENOMINATIONS.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 23:47:02 +0000

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