ALL The only thing that could cause something to start is a - TopicsExpress


ALL The only thing that could cause something to start is a complexity; a higher being, a power, something like that; that something would have had to act to create a force of some kind that would have to have a form of some kind that is not able to be understood completely but has a value of some sort; that comes from a source (or, the ONE (also known as GOD)). Like a thought, or a creative complexity that has a meaning to it. This complex-exerted or created thing would be existent and thereof creation is now a concept and that means that force is now a plausible within what was nothingness; this force world most like be in a wave-like form. Thus, generating a resonance, which creates vibration, this vibration causes friction, and friction creates heat (dont forget that this force is coming from the ONE). The heat starts to create a field of different temperature variations, which will cause an array of energy that would expand outward. Here, this thing must have created such a big vibrational wave that it made a very hot field, and since that this was the only array or area of heat at the time, it would be a very bright light [God said, Let there be light]. Now, since this is also a new presentation that never existed, it couldve been expressed as a Black Hole; but, this wouldve been the other side, which is known as a White Hole which is pure energy and heat [the Light mentioned before] or some other thing that is known. The heat within this event, would start to mix with the other temperature variations (which is the cooler areas), this making a warmer areas; this, produces material (maybe like a substance [think about what happens when standing water is left out and gets warm over time; eventually, bacteria will form in it]), and it begins to slowly form. This material becomes Quanta. Quanta is the smallest unit of identified particles currently known, the Quanta starts to form and they are all different because of the different areas of temperature. The Quanta starts to take different forms, each unique in its on way. This Quanta slowly starts to churn and mix, and they will cause molecules to form and they become Atoms. Some collide and have adverse affects. The atoms then gain protons, neutrons, and electrons. Depending on the potential each Atom has (which is determined by how they formed), they make an Element. These elements will collide, mix, and they are mostly earth-like. They in time will spread; because their molecules will heat up, and will make them move about. They will collide at different speeds and angles, they will clump together or break apart, they will create different things like small particles that are like dust, rock-like materials, and other things; all, depending on how they collided, how fast or slow they collided, and what was the surrounding field like. This will make different forms of elements, such as metals (in powder-like form); this, literally is Stardust. Many new things will form and the colliding projectiles will become rock. After many years, they will become boulders, and eventually planet-sized rocks or asteroids. More collisions and things will take place and now some of the cooler molecules (the ones that never became anything or stopped changing because nothing acted upon them or it) will begin to clash with each other. They will make asteroids, frozen wastelands, and comets. Eventually there will be many giant planet-sized rocks. But some begin to enclose heat. This heat becomes a furnace and the rocks interior becomes lava, the lava will harden and create a hard inner shell and inside if it will become a metal magnet-like structure (the core).This core will allow the planet-sized rock to have a gravity field and give it different aspects of altitude zones. Many will collide and make bigger planets, some will destroy each other and thus causing their cores to explode, this may make the destroyed planets materials and substances to mix and make new material (because of all the friction and different things that may create heat, which heats up the materials that once were formed by or if the planets; which, will create new kinds of substances and such), like gas. If gaseous states of matter did happen to be created by planets destroying each other, it will heat and cool and make different make-ups for new kinds of planets, like gas giants, like Neptune. After many planets have formed their magnetic forces become entangled in a way and start form an alignment of sorts, and a solar system is eventually formed. The solar systems become galaxies and they become universes. And those are in parallel plains, like portals. Anyway, back to small scale stuff, then Earth comes along, it has the perfect settings and surroundings, perfect temperature and the right atmosphere. It had the right things happen to create life, and that is when God let the the rest happen and then existed one continent (Pangea), it eventually broke apart with different kinds of creatures on them, then we gave the continents names, and so and so on. Youre about to read an import message; but before you do, I need anyone and everyone to read these messages carefully, because what Im about to explain will open (a) huge opportunit((y)(ies)) for the future! First off, this world we live in needs to be maintained properly. World peace could be plausible to a point, just when there is no real governmental establishment. I dont know what it should be like, I just dont want the Antichrist to rise. Just know that before anything happens, everyone has to be willing to cooperate. The world right now is leaning toward an agenda that is intent of evil deeds, the governments are pushing this 666-Agenda, this must be stopped. The governments are just puppets of the United Nations, and those groups that put the information in to run the United Nations are organizations like the illuminati, Builder Burg group, Rothschild, and others. These groups are ran by (a) higher council(s) that organize ways to push this agenda of the 6s (666), they are waiting for a/the leader (the Antichrist), this can be stopped and changed for the better; or at least, hold back the Antichrists coming. Life does not have to continue in this immoral, wrongness; however, there are some really good things out there that can and will be kept if we (the people of Earth) can understand their principles of moderation and are able to have enough self-control to moderate ourselves with them, but it will not happen at all if we do not cooperate toward the good of all. The information about to be released will be important to maintain this idea of the good of all. What this will be is Enlightenment so that we can work together to reprogram The Machine (666-Operating System). The number of Life is 4. The number of Man is 5. The number of evil is 6 or 666. The number of Perfection is 7 or 17.777… (repeating decimal). 5 is the number or value of Man because we are no where near Perfect (7) and we are closer to evil (6), thats why fail and tend to do bad. 5 + 1 = 6; Mankind is very easily swayed by evil, even blindly without knowing. 5 + 2 = 7; Mankind can overcome evil and darkness by being enlightened by the truth or by understanding and knowing or acknowledging it, they will know right from wrong; also, evil can be completely avoided if the enlightened one(s) have the understanding to know what matters in life (Love), if the truth is known all else cancels itself out (the 1s cancel out (explained further in this section)). The numbers 6 and 7 are values of higher levels of power (in a sense). 6 is always in the way of the truth, it tries to cover the light (the truth/7) and it tries to be alluring and tries to fool the world into thinking its okay and that it is the right path, but its not; thats why man is easily tempted and walks aimlessly in darkness; but there is light, it just has to be found. 6 + 1 (keep the 1 in mind) and 6 - 1 (keep the 1 in mind), 6 (evil/darkness) is constantly interfering between perfection (7) and it is why mankind is closer to 6; thats also why The Machine is constant, because its a Machine. 6 • 111 (the 1s from before) = 666; the 3 powers or main things are each 1 thing, Perfection/Love/Heaven (7), Evil/Darkness (6), and Man (5). Look at a phone with letters and numbers on it, spell money (66639). World Concept(s) (Briefly Explained): The government is a small leg that is helping this system of 6s grow. They can easily be broken and cause a huge decrease in the progressive harm that is done to the Earth. What we think is difficult is not difficult at all, we can achieve almost anything. All we have to do is just do it. If wed just stop these current problems we can focus on a/the real goal. The real goal consists of us maintaining a proper and balanced system of code(s) on Earth. When we as humans understand that we have a purpose as a whole, we can achieve the things that Michael Grubb and many others have achieved. We can all program our current issues into solved equations that will turn the tables for the infinite (7s). There is even a bigger goal. Besides on Earth, these other civilizations that have already been enlightened as a whole are probably already able to maintain their sectors or areas of energy and code, thats why theyve been able to advance so fast. If we as humans can reach a height of enlightenment to understand our planets code(s) and energy or energies then we can also maintain our planet. There is a good but of work ahead, but we (the people of Earth) can do it! There are a lot of ideas and concepts, but they all are created through thought (usually). Whether religion is true or not, there is something out there that is the CREATOR, everything that exists as we know, originated from this CREATOR. Many refer to a higher being of power God, so if you want to think of the CREATOR as God, then yes there is True God, a true Creator, etc. Religions are merely ideas that are so intent on getting others to agree with their beliefs. To be honest, they should all just stop, assemble together in a meeting and discuss the topic of that one thing that all originated from, that way they can push a new thing that focuses on the True Creator. Helping others to understand the knowledge of Love, Connection, and Enlightenment would also be good to focus on. However, there was a perfect man that walked the Earth; Jesus, I do believe that he has a connection with this true Creator. I also believe that God is in three persons, God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Ghost/Spirit, there is proof that these things exist and that they do connect to the True Creator; Im not saying Christianity is 100% right (especially since there are different kinds of Christian establishments), one thing is that these other types (like, Jehovah Witness, Catholic, and Protestant, a few examples) should not exist, there should just be one establishment, and just call church, Church and the sermons should all be based from the Holy Bible. I know that the bible has been translated numerous times, but it still teaches the same points, and though they may seem in a way wrong to some, many verses are suppose to have more than one meaning. The true contexts of the Holy Bible is written In Hebrew; maybe we should just use Hebrew from then on. Another thing, is that being baptized, or sprinkled with water, or any of those other other symbolic events that Christianity does when one is saved does not matter. Those things are written in the Holy Bible, so they are okay to do; but really, those things just publicly state that someone has accepted Jesus, those symbolic events do not save you, what really saves you is when you personally have accepted Jesus as you personal Lord and Savior. After you have accepted Jesus the symbolic event may enlighten you, and you may be in a positive or more positive state than you were before accepting Jesus. Another thing about religion is their source of existence or founding (where it originated from, or whom founded or created it), I encourage that everyone look up a religions origin. That way its easier to know if it was just made up or not; also, the God(s)/Goddess(es) too, see if that/those higher beings claim the position of being the Creator that everything originates from, if they dont then they are not the real God (the True CREATOR). All of these things that I have mentioned in this section are conceptual pieces of information, the Truth is for you to find out. What Should Happen, Part 1 - Government: What should happen? There is going to be some work done before anything can really start happening. First, the governments that the world is under need to be dealt with. There are a lot if myths and ideas of why the governments are the way are; personally, I think that the government in the United States of America was theoretically almost perfect at first, but I believe that a group or more with the intent of world domination or control somehow got into that establishment and started to bend the rules and corrupt it very, very gradually. Maybe over time, the ones were running that establishment just let that power get to their heads and in so doing, they became corrupt and that led to corruption of the establishment itself. Many are confused on what has happened for the government to be what it is today; but really, it doesnt matter, because its messed up. It is corrupt and thats all that needs to be understood, it doesnt matter how; what matters, is fixing it or just stopping it and starting over (but still keeping the Constitution and the Bill of Rights). What Should Happen, Part 2 - What To Do: This section will have ideas and options that many will be able to do to have the government fail; these can also be applied to any government system. Protesting, a common way of getting the attention of establishments to acknowledging issues and fixing them. Many can do this, and the more people that are attending, the more of an affect it will have. What Should Happen, Part 3 - How To Live Life (You still have choice, this is not mandated, its just some ideas): Have you ever wondered why we exist? I have, and Ive been searching for answers. Turns out, there is not a reason, but infinitely many. We are here to have Choice; but that doesnt mean without any rights and wrongs. There needs to be an understood amount of order to maintain a clean path of choices for all. This is where we have failed as a race. We have turned our world into a chaotic wasteland; or at least, we are heading toward that. One of the main issues that have caused this world to become corrupt is this concept called a concept. This is really odd how the way one person thinks can ultimately effect others and create an idea that is shared with those whom share that one persons concept of a certain thing. These people can form a group to push one concept or idea to further their interest while everyone in the world is having to adapt and in so doing, their brains form a certain way of thinking due to the limit(s) or restriction(s) of that concept that a group pushes. Strange, is it not? So, what exactly needs to happen? The world just needs to stop and think, What are we doing? Then we as a whole need to find a way sustain life in a more sufficient manner. To get to a point where humanity can efficiently sustain itself in a healthy, clean, and productive manner to advance, we (as human individuals) need to create or change the daily routine(s) in life to live in a more healthy, positive, and timely way. Stretching, exercising, meditating, eating right, good cleaning habits, being positive, being a good influence, sleeping well, and being loving and caring. These and more can create a great routine that will help keep a balanced day-to-day life style. Before I get into the things that we as individuals should do, I first need to go over a few global goals that we need to reach. 1. We need to get Fluoride out of water. 2. We need to figure out why there is Mercury in shots and vaccines; if it is there for a good reason, then some kind of negotiation needs to be settled on how to have shots and vaccines to not have Mercury or any other harmful material in them. After this has cleared up, shots and vaccines should be safer to use. 3. Better way or order, one that allows choice and still be balanced and safe. 4. Stop phones from leaking radiation and/or not having any in them at all. 5. No RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Chips. 6. Actually do some research to see if we as a human race are polluting the ozone layer. 7. If weed is legalized, then it needs to be secured and used in hospitals rather than on the streets. Daily Routine(s): Stretching: Yoga is a good way of combing stretching, somewhat exercising, and meditation. Exercising: Push-ups; sit-ups, punching, kicking, boxing, etc. Meditating: Being calm and aware of yourself in connection to your environment, controlled breathing, enlightenment, etc. Eating: Bread(s), fruits, nuts, vegetables, and maybe meats (if you are not a Vegetarian); Dairy (if you are not a Vegan). & Drinking: Water (try to find some they does not have fluoride in it), dairy (if you are not a Vegan), fruit and vegetables smoothies. Things To Avoid Ingesting: 1. Cereal (contains GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)) 2. Some cheeses have GMOs 3. Bananas (from a store or market); because they are modified, seeds are actually suppose to be on the outside of the part you eat, but when you look at inside if a banana there is a stem-like thing that holds the seeds. 4. Sugar Free things (things that are sugar free contain an additive to replace sugar, its called Aspartame, and it is dangerous) 5. Water that contains Fluoride 6. Soft drinks; especially diet drinks, diet drinks contain Aspartame, which acts like sugar, it will kill you! 7. All dieting foods/material, those things are loaded with unhealthy additives and material. 8. Fast food restaurants; they are seriously bad for your cholesterol and they are just plain unhealthy. Cleaning: Dusting, vacuuming, fluffing the pillows; pushing out negativity; arranging or moving furniture around every so often to create a happy flow of energy. Dont forget to also clean yourself. Positivity: Maintaining a happy attitude; when discouraged or sad dont be get gloomy, instead let it strengthen you and learn from things. Stay motivated, have a goal that you can focus on and imagine the benefits of reaching it. Influencing: Staying healthy, clean, and well-mannered; being productive and turning bad situations into learning experiences; staying positive; showing love and compassion no matter what. Sleeping: 8 - 10 hours of sleep is healthy, but waking up early means more life to live; so, I guess on so e days its good to live more. Maintaining a positive and clean environment is also an essential way to have a happy life. Cleaning things and arranging furniture are things that influence a positive feel to your environment, and it also leaves you a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Relationship(s): There is a right way and/or reason for having a relationship. There are some issues that it/those reasons cant exist. First off, there already are many people in the world, this is the main issue why the right reason for a relationship cant exist. A relationship is for a man and a woman with good knowledge and skills to come together to pass down to a child, in hopes to have the other peoples relationships and their child/children create a more successful and growing generation for the good of the planet, everyone as a whole, and to serve the True God. But there are too many people that are lazy, evil, have very little skills, and the world weve created is seriously flawed. Everyone needs someone that shares the mind of Jesus. He was right but many were not like him. If everyone had a relationship that shared the like-mind of Jesus, the world would be better. But there are not many that do have that right mind, thats why this reason for a relation does not exist. It can exist if the world would just stop and discuss the issues of the world. Find affix and get rid of the order that is not needed for when things are right. The Attitude Needed For A Better World: - Self-Control: One thing you have to understand is self-control, it will help you maintain a positive attitude to keep going. If you love everyone you dont need a relationship because you already have one with everyone whether others like you or not. Of course there will be tough times and times of doubt, and even sadness; but thats when you need to have self-control, confidence, and friends to help you along the way. - Love: Now you need a purpose for existing. It could be telling others the true meaning of life. It could be something small that changes something big and impacts the world later on. It could be something simple or difficult. Whatever it is focus on it and everything else will fall into place. When you LOVE, you are nice to people and no matter what they do, be nice to them anyway, youll be getting back at them even more than if you were to show them how mad you are. It will get on their nerves because you didnt react the way they expected. Me: *gets punched in the face* Me: I love you Their reaction: *…* Youll be the one having the last laugh, and the best thing is that you didnt cause a huge scene. Act like you have something really important do, and if they insist on getting your attention, tell them that you have more important things to do than talking to them. If they ask waft that something is, you could say its none of their business or if you want to get a kick out of it, you could say that its something that their inferior level of thinking will never understand. You could also just act completely random; this may seem odd, but really it doesnt matter. Be odd, be free, dont fit in! What others think does not matter if they think that there is such thing as normal, because there is no normal. Think of it as a video game, where you are the chosen one, and you lead the others to the truth. Because technically, we all are chosen ones, many just dont notice it and instead, they try to fit in. When you have realized these things, you can begin to awaken. Be Enlightened, find yourself, and connect with your surroundings. Unconditional LOVE to you all, Namaste. Universal (EARTHs FIELD(s))(?) 7 - INFINITY (17.777…) — The Machine: /|\ 666-OS (Operating System) | 666-Point System | 666-Gyro Mechanism (Earth and Magnetic Field(s)) \ 4-Dimensional, 288 (to the 288th power)-Point Gyro Mechanism. \\ Energy?, Planetary Grid System? \\\ ALL EVEN-SIDED SHAPES \\\\ R,O,Y,Y-G,G,G-C,C,C-B,B,I,M/P,V (RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, YELLOW-GREEN, GREEN, GREEN-CYAN, CYAN, CYAN-BLUE, BLUE, INDIGO, MAGENTA/PURPLE, VIOLET) \\\\\ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (12 Months, 12 Horror Scopes, 12 Spirit Animal, 12 Tribes, ETC.) | 666-Agenda \ -Antichrist (N/A) / High Council | Wealthy Families / Secret Organizations | United Nations | Government(s) / 5 - Mankind | 4 - Life | 3 - Power (?) | 2 - Creation (?) | 1 - God / Constant (?) | Back to TOP (7) Spiritual Information: Studies show when someone speaks in tounges the speech part of the brain is not activated, meaning the body has nothing to do with it. No neurons fire, no thoughts occur, a conversation happens outside if the natural world. _________________________ Human Abilities: Want to unlock your telekinetic abilities? First, view these videos uploaded by Michael Grubb: Kinetic Force(s), Etc. - Explanation(s): We are made in the image of God, in the beginning, Im sure that Adam and Eve had powers, but after they sinned they lost their knowledge or their easy way of life, which means that powers and such had to be re-discovered too. We just have to unlock them. Energy: Everything is made up of energy, and when we push an object physically, we are using our own energy to move the object. Energy never dies; its always there even in the form of a thought, and just like atoms, they constantly move around, thats why if you look at solid objects through an atomic microscope, you can see that it still has molecules that are constantly moving around. This Energy can also be visible; Aura and Energy itself can be visible if you train the eyes to see them. The MATRIX is real, it does exist, if you are able to see the Numbers, youve achieved a high Frequency within, you are then evolving (in a sense), you will be able to see Paradigm Shifts and you will be able to interact with the world around you. There are other ways to move objects and stuff, like using Magic(ka), summoning things like Demons, or even creating fake illusions, but beside the Illusions, I wouldnt try summoning or using Magic(ka) because those are dangerous. For a little more information, view this video that IAmRawrisauris uploaded: Getting started Part 1 - Feeling Energy and Being Aware What youll need: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Believing Positivity Open Mind Use Peripheral Vision (focusing on what is in front of you and noticing whats beside you without moving your eyes) Focus Concentration Watch this video: Extra Sensibility Help: To feel heat even more, you can start by rubbing your hands together for about 15 seconds (30 or more for better results) and then spread them apart slowly, spread them to at least 1 to 4 inches; you should be able feel the energy, this will help you become more energy sensitive. After having them spread apart, you can slowly bring them closer together and then pull them apart again, it should feel like a non-sticky marshmallow between your hands; this is the electromagnetic field, then just apply it to the video. You can harness your own energy and channel it throughout any part of of your body, if you can do that and focus on an object; though you are not physically touching it, youre thinking upon it thus having some form of connection to the object, and from there you just have to move it, levitate it, and any other thing; no doubt and have lots of confidence. You cant just begin though, it does take practice and patience, there are also many types of kinesiss, from Telekinesis to Photokinesis, and many others. Abilities (Kinesises): The 4 elements (6 including Spirit and Void); as well as Psychokinesis/Telekinesis, Photokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Terrakinesis, Geokinesis (might be the same as Terrakinesis), Aerokinesis, Kyrokinesis, Atmokinesis, Atmoskinesis, Electrokinesis, Biokinesis, Chronokinesis (or it might be Chronoskinesis, or even Kronokinesis or Kronoskinesis), Technokinesis (dont know if this term exists), and Spatialkinesis (or, Spatial Kinesis). An Extra Training Step - Chi/Energy/Psi Ball(s): To make one of these, just do as the previous instructions for becoming more energy sensitive (the extra part); this time, focus in the space between your hands (after you feel the electromagnetic field), and channel all of your energy into that space, you should feel a ball-like energy, it will feel tingly and strong, you can move it around and other stuff. An extra bit of information about them, view this videos that IAmRawrisauris uploaded: Telekinetic Training - A/The Chi/Psi Wheel (Paper): Get a base, like an eraser or something that will hold. Get a sharp pointed object, like a needle and attach it to the base, make sure to get it at least 2-4 inches off the ground so that it can hold a square piece of paper, then get a piece of square paper and fold it diagonally both ways and put it on top of the pointed object; you can also use a thumbtack (if you use a thumbtack, you could just stick it into the bottom if the square). I sharpen a piece of graphite (the slender, dark grey thing that you put inside of led pencils, also known as led; but really, it should be called a graphite pencil, because led is heavy) then stick it in some wax or something that will hold it down, then I balance a piece of aluminum that I fold into a square shape and lay it on top of the sharp point of the graphite. Make sure its all balanced. Telekinetic Training - A/The Chi/Psi Wheel (Aluminum): Get some foil and make it onto a square shape, fold it corner to corner (just like the paper), then you can use it instead of the paper, this is actually easier to move because it has better properties than paper and its lighter, which means its easier to connect to. Telekinetic Training - First Practice Technique: After you have your Chi Wheel or Psi Wheel, focus on it, then put your hands around it and focus on one or more finger(s) of your hand or hands; imagine your energy (your inner selfs energy) flowing through your arms and out of the tips of the finger(s), what you are doing here is trying to connect to the object; slowly move your finger(s) around one of the edges until you get it to move; keep focusing on the object and nothing else. Also, dont be forceful, watch your breathing (try not to breathe on it because you can accidentally move it), I usually put my shirt over my mouth to breathe, and dont move to fast because your motion(s) can make the air push it. This ability to move objects with your will, is also known as The Force. Note: Dont give up and keep practicing. Telekinetic Training - Advanced Practice Technique: If you truly want to test your abilities put a clear plastic bowl or a glass bowl over the wheel and then let it stop moving, then after it has stopped moving try to spin it. This is a really advanced technique and this will take a long time to be able to do; like, months of training. * Credit(s) (To): Avatar Energy Mastery Institute (AEMI) IAmRawrisauris Mark Mauvais Michael Grubb Shirak OmegaX
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:47:32 +0000

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