ALLAH INSPIRED THE PERSON BY THE ROOH / SPIRIT / ESSENCE OF THE WORDS OF ALLAH BY HIS ORDER. [42:52] And likewise form Our order We have inspired the rooh / the spirit towards you. You did not have the perception what was the book and belief, and We have made it (the rooh / the spirit) a light; We guide from Our servants with it (the rooh / the spirit) to whom We will. And surely you guide towards the straight path. WE DO NOT HAVE THE PERCEPTION,WHEN ONLY THE ROOH / SPIRIT / ESSENCE COMES TO US FROM ALLAH.THEN WE UNDERSTAND THE BOOK OF ALLAH. ----------------------------------------------------- ATTRIBUTE OF GOD GIVEN IN VARIOUS VERSES OF BIBLE: Judges 1:19: He is a weak God. Hebrew 12:29: He blows fire and He smokes. Genesis 6:6/Mark 3:5/Isiah 63:10: He repents also and he cries also. Genesis 19:3: He eats. Genesis 18:83: He walks Isiah 2:21: He shows his back side. Psalms 91:1-4/Exodus 33:20-23: He shows his parts. Psalms 91:1-4: He rides on cherubs and flies. Number 31:35-40: He shares virgin with soldiers. Genesis 1:9-13: He also tired and rest. Hebrew 12:29: He roars. Genesis 17:13-19: He forgets. QURAN SAYS [7:180] And for Allah are the most beautiful names so call Him with them, and leave those who use profanity / dishonor/ disrespect in His name, soon they will be given penalty for what they are doing.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:03:39 +0000

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