ALLOWING YOURSELF TO DIE TO BECOME YOUR OWN ADVISER. Imagine this: you have just one week to live. The best medical authorities have told you this. There is absolutely nothing to be done. Really feel this. And fully accept how you feel, embracing all of the sensations and emotions which come to you. What is your first reaction? What illness do you have and how does this tie into your lifestyle? Does it make obvious sense, or is there anything here that your unconscious is speaking to you about? Explore honestly all feelings that arise. What is important to you during this last week and what do you really need to know; what last things to you truly want to do? Is there any unfinished business that needs to be taken care of, things left unsaid, people to connect or reconnect with, last-minute goodbyes and explanations or statements to make? Who are these people that you need to connect with; who matters most to you at this time? Many people may visit you during your last few days. Some will be among the living and some, perhaps, long dead. Who are they-who has made the most significant contribution to your life, either positive or negative? They will all be here-how do you feel about them now? Notice the flow of energy between you, too-are you giving this to them or receiving it from them? This is a time for goodbyes. So who do you really want to say goodbye ti, and what do you want to say to them? Since you now walk between the worlds and can sense the world of spirit very clearly, do you have a message of truth for these people, to help and guide them in their own lives? As you also reflect on your own life, allowing the events and pictures of significant moments to pass before you, what do you notice in particular that was, or has become important? How did it change you and help to make you who you are? Is there anything which leaves you unhappy or unfulfilled, or do you feel that there are things left unresolved in any way? What do you most regret or wish you had done? What needs to be said and made right? You are visited by your spirit helpers this week as you prepare for death and, since you ask, you are given one last sentence to sum up all that is important to you in life, which will now be broadcast to the nation-what is it?-and one question to ask Life itself-what is that? Times up. How does it feel to die? Your spirit floats above you now and you can look back at the shell of your body, the Earthly carrier of your spirit, in a totally impartial way. How do you look from this perspective outside yourself? The same as you imagined you did when you occupied that body, or quite different? What sense do you have of how you have reacted to, and presented, yourself in life? You do not die alone, there are others present to support you. How do they react to your death? What do they say about you now you are gone? Since you are curious, you decide to stay around for a while to watch your funeral take place. Who is there and what do they have to say-about you and to each other? How do they feel about your death-and what do you feel about it now? And about them? What are the words on your tombstone? Who wrote them? And what does your obituary have to say about you? Would you have written it? Does it accurately portray you and your contribution to the world? Whose words are these and what do they mean to you? Look back over your life and reflect upon it. What patterns do you see? What are the key events-and how do they tie into your other lifetimes? What do you feel happy, sad, good, bad, about, and what would you change if you could do it again? Sit down and reflect on all these sensations and now make a long distance call to your younger, human self, reflecting on your experiences this week and on your death. What will you say to the human being you used to be? In what way could they have made better choices, and what information would they have needed to do that? Do you have any advice for them or suggestions about how they could live more happily, healthily, powerfully, purposefully and well? The alarm clock rings. This has been a dream. But strangely, you notice a message waiting sign on your answering machine and, playing it, you are surprised to hear your own voice and the words you just spoke to your younger self: you now. Are you sure this was a dream? It is a very thin tissue indeed between the worlds. Reflect on these words and be grateful for them: they give you the absolute possibility of changing your life right now. What will you change? Make a commitment to do so right now-because actually this is not a dream; it is merely a reflection on something that will happen and is inevitable in every life. The only difference between you and every other person on this planet is that you have seen it and were privileged to be there as the inevitable unfolded. Because of this, you also have the strength, the wisdom, the insights and the words of knowledge from your spirit self to guide your actions in this world and to encourage you to do what is right, while so many others do not. Write down the thoughts or resolutions that come to you now and, if you can, create a ritual for yourself to anchor this experience and keep it with you. We are all depending on you to make a difference. And so we come to the end of this journey and to a new beginning. If there is one key message from this book, it is this: You are a powerful being and an essential part of a vast, complex and beautiful universe which welcomes you and values your contribution. This has been a book about the shared vision of the scientist and the shaman, and so it seems only fitting that I leave you with two quotations-one of them from the greatest scientist of the twentieth century, the other from a timeless poet and mystic, both of which confirm the boundless energy and potential that is within you. You have only to set it free. A human is part of the whole, called by us, Universe...He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole Nature in its beauty~Albert Einstein Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world, the forms change yet the essence remains the same. The source is within you and this whole cosmos is springing up from it.~Rumi Embrace your power; you were born ti it. The Journey To You, A Shamans Path To Empowerment
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:43:20 +0000

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