ALS ice bucket challenge: a measured opinion. So, like everyone - TopicsExpress


ALS ice bucket challenge: a measured opinion. So, like everyone else, I have seen the videos, read the posts (and this morning even heard the audio from Charlie Sheen) of people taking part in some variation of the ice bucket challenge. Likewise, I have also seen the videos, read the posts, and listened to audio from several people complaining about the ice bucket challenge with varying amounts of vehemence. And, here is my two cents, for what its worth, even if that happens to be less than the advertised value. The ice bucket challenge has raised millions for ALS True. According the NY Times, it has raised $13.3 million since July 29th (and as of August 17th), which is almost eight-fold the amount made over the same time period last year ($1.7 million). Videos of people dumping ice buckets over their heads is annoying Subjectively true. For many people, including myself, the ice bucket challenge really seems like a look at me attention plea. However, I think everyone needs to acknowledge the caveat that the motivation is different depending upon the person. Why dont people just donate money to ALS? For the same reason they dont just donate money to any charitable organization. It costs money and it is virtually impossible to fund every worthwhile cause. The ice bucket challenge creates some accountability (whether for donating or just dumping out water) and provides a moment in the spotlight. The point is, something can be annoying, and potentially self-serving, while also benefiting a greater cause. People often crave attention and at the very least like to be recognized or succeed in communicating (hence this post). I do find it humorous that (according to many posts) people are to donate money directly to the disease, rather than a specified research or treatment organization. But, information is not always as interesting as visual stimuli. And, as for me, I have other causes that hit closer to home (breast cancer research, for example)- which is where my money will continue to go. I respect those that choose to contribute toward any humanitarian endeavor, and while I may continue to be annoyed by the ALS videos, I am glad to see that money is going toward a good cause. Based upon the success of the ice bucket challenge, I am thinking about starting a campaign where people post a video of themselves picking up a penny with their glutes or make a donation to prostate cancer.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 23:44:07 +0000

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