ALTAR CALL THE BIG SHOW:Good afternoon and God bless.The Altar - TopicsExpress


ALTAR CALL THE BIG SHOW:Good afternoon and God bless.The Altar call today has become a platform for destruction.Its Sunday morning and the congregation has heard all that the man or woman of God has to say.Now the invitation is extended ."To whom ever will let them come."Come while the blood is still running within your veins."We see some come forth accepting the call to discipleship.The men and woman of God surrounds theses weary souls.They ask them a series of questions."Do you repent?and Do you know that you are a sinner?Do you know that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation?etc.These poor souls step forth without being inform properly about the life that they lone to enter into and the road they will have to travel and the trials and tribulations that will have to endure to enter into the'FULLNESS OF LIFE."Most of them view this Altar call as a quick fix and a way to earn forgiveness for a life style full of sin and disobedience.They are bought to the church by friends or love ones under the banner "YOU NEED JESUS and are not told that when you make the decision to follow Jesus the road that you have been traveling will get tougher .Jesus gave no one the promise of health ,wealth and prosperity on the contrary Jesus said"In this life you"WILL" have trials and tribulations.Yet the Church taught and continue to teach that everything will be alright if you just come to the Altar and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is far from the truth and contrary to scripture .Through out scripture we see the word of God and the followers of the word under constant attack .Lets get back to the Altar Call.These and numerous other reasons is why we see so many on Sunday go to the altar and on Monday revert back to being the same person before the Altar call.Yet the church leaders boast about his many people were saved during their service.Were they truly saved ?How can you know that you are truly rescued from anything if you do not know how and why you were rescued.There is nothing wrong with the Altar call, if the person has been truly made aware of who he is and what he is about to get into.How many people you know would trade their present life style as bad or good as it maybe,for a life that may require them to give up as much or as little as they may possess, a life style that may cause them to leave husband ,wife ,friends and children.I wonder if those people who are go to altar calls would still go if they were required to give up everything they have homes,cars,money etc.If you truly desire to serve God you are called into a sacrificial life style.Will you still come?
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 16:55:22 +0000

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