ALUEI AND THE NUMEROLOGY ONE VIBRATION – Holistic Music Experience contains eight tracks. The choice of this number is not at random. The number 8 is one of the oldest symbols in all Tradition. Eight is the number of the wind rose at the Tower of the Winds in Athens and of the petals of the lotus and, according to the Buddhist terminology, the paths of the Way. Universally regarded as the number of cosmic equilibrium, eight is the symbol of infinity, where nothing ends. It is a reflection of the spirit, the immeasurable and indefinable. Eight, being the sum of 4 + 4, is a pragmatic number, as it enhances the concrete and tangible nature of the number four. The number 8 appears in many religions. The number 8 plays, in Tibetan culture as much as in the world, a favourable value. In the Christianity, Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, proclaims the eight beatitudes. Accordingly with the Egyptians’ myths, Thoth created the eight gods and founded Khmun, later called Heliopolis, the city of Eight. In the German-Scandinavian mythology, Sleipnir, the great horse of Odin, has eight legs. In India, Durga, the warrior goddess, is represented with eight arms. Eight are the Avatars of Vishnu, eight Chinese immortals, eight trigrams of the I Ching.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:57:01 +0000

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