AMAZON PAPERBACK amazon/Letters-Love-Cafe-47-Living/dp/1500512672/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1407071237&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=letters+from+love+cafe SOME EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK Letter#23 November 29, 2012 Inward Nakedness You will feel your soul being undressed when the tender hands of love begin touching you. The many different masks on ones face will be removed, and the many different clothes which one is attached to will be ripped off one by one. Then, there will be a feeling of nothingness inwardly. Nothing to hold on to, nothing to be attached to, and nothing to lose; therefore no fear. And, when you are so totally naked inwardly, there will be a feeling of innocence. This will be the beginning of your immortal love story with the beloved. DICTIONARY Wisdom: Light of joy combined with the intelligence of love and inward simplicity. Laughter from the heart. Synonym: Joy, love, simplicity PRACTICAL TIPS ON LIVING EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY Eat whenever you feel hungry just as much to feed your hunger, but make sure with a few minutes of silent observation that the hunger signals are coming from your stomach rather than your mind. There is nothing wrong to eat when the biological body wants it, but if you listen very carefully to the voice of the body you will see that the biological body needs little food whereas the mind needs much more. So, there is no need to control our eating with special diets. Such controlling will only further the conflict of eating, but just become aware whether it is the body or the mind which is eating, and such awareness will make the best diet for us naturally and easily. PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF SPIRITUALITY CLOCK MEDITATION Take an analog clock or watch, and spare your 5 minutes sometime for clock meditation. Make sure you spare some time when you have no rush for anything. Simply watch the clock in these 5 minutes, and be aware of the time movement silently and passively. What is important is to be deeply aware of the river of time carrying us into the future. Just be aware silently. Be aware of the synchronized movement of the inward clock moving into the future while the outer is moving clockwise. This very silent awareness of the movement of time itself is the awakening of presence in the now. And, you will experience a sense of time slowing down in this silent awareness, and such presence will be the entrance door to a peaceful meditative state of the mind. THE TEMPLE OF ILLUMINATION BOOK REVIEW “The joyful super genius secretly hidden in the pages of this book is like a spiritual bomb with a natural potential to trigger an earthquake of the highest magnitude possible which will shake the global spiritual, intellectual and philosophical community at its foundation. It surely is a simply wise, supremely intelligent, vitally rejuvenating and exquisitely dynamic masterpiece which is entirely different from the money making entertainment business that is going on currently in the name of so called new age spirituality. This book is a kind of majestic spiritual thunderstorm with a lightening which has the power to touch and transform the suffering souls of those who are lucky enough to recognize and distinguish the dancing light of the guiding star rising amidst appalling spiritual darkness of confusion in the world today. A very rare explosion of the love of truth at the highest mountain tops which will probably be the beginning of a new era of true spirituality and philosophy. Your heart will know the difference immediately, and your life can never be the same again after hearing the silent, wise and tender whispering of love through The Blue Book.” It was around early 2012 when I was first inspired for the ‘Letters from Love Café’ series and over the course of two years I have authored 47 letters whenever the inspiration for that particular letter came unexpectedly the way the breeze comes in through an open window. The letters are about living itself in general, and in particular they include subjects such as spirituality, the path of happiness, living in the present, love, meditation and wisdom. Memo Ozdogan
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:14:23 +0000

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