AMEN,,probably wont mean alot to many who are too busy to truly - TopicsExpress


AMEN,,probably wont mean alot to many who are too busy to truly understand this principle but after being sick so much in my life n really knowing each day is truly a GIFT from God for me n for my family iF they want it share in my life .IF we really say we love someone and really mean it we WILL not only find the time but we truly will STOP OUR BUSY WORLD N MAKE FHE TIME for we will realize that even God says time is like a vapor, you see it and then its no longer seen . And after losing many dear special people in my life LONG BEFORE I WAS READY to let them go I learned that yes I CAN FIND TIME, I CAN MAKE TIME AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE...for when you LOSE someone n you so desperately wish you had just ONE MORE MOMENT OF TIME to say I love you or may e Im sorry or lets go sit down n talk, lets eat sme ice cream or whatever will realize that TIME WAITS ON NOBODY...your children grow up before youre ready, your loved one dies or moves away..missing some special people in my life n yet Im SO THANKFUL I TOOK THE TIME. and if you need me ill stop n find the time I promise. Wish some people I miss so terribly bad would STOP N MAKE TIME for me...Id love a few minutes but not my choice n so thankful that when we are the one out of the grasp of time, in Heaven where there is no time we wont be the ones longing for that visit anymore but it will be those of us who are left behind that will wish we had made MORE TIME..ONE MORE MOMENT. ONE ,ORE VISIT, ONE MORE PHONE CALL, ..sorry for the sermon but felt I needed to tell someone to find time for someone who is longing for more them with you all..
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 09:04:08 +0000

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