AN ADVANCE NOTICE OF A FORTHCOMING EVENT! “Our lives begin to - TopicsExpress


AN ADVANCE NOTICE OF A FORTHCOMING EVENT! “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Quote from Martin Luther King I am now seventy years old, I am not in the best of health, and am a pessimist by nature; so I am preparing to discharge the first, and at the moment only item on my bucket list: things to do before I lose the plot altogether. I have decided the times of discretion and caution are past and the time of plain speaking has arrived. That exciting moment when you get the prompt to burn your boats beneath you and see what it is like, in the metaphorical sense, trying to walk on water. In other words to throw away any attempt to remain sensible in the eyes of others. To speak out about what is really on my mind and heart: more Wailing Wall that shouts out your true feelings than Stiff Upper Lip which keeps everything locked safely away. So I have written something that will I guess irritate most, appal some, maybe interest a few and possibly, if prayers are answered, change the heart of one or two about things of real importance. I intend to send my article to every contact on my email list. If you do not want to receive it, it is (15 pages long ) then please email me at: chigham19944@gmail and I will make sure you are not troubled. If you are not on my contact list and would like to have a look then please email me anyway. For your interest, people quoted in this article are: Joseph Goebbels; Nazi Propaganda Minister. Bill Gates: Founder of Microsoft. Richard Dawkins: Zoologist/Biologist. G.K. Chesterton: Writer. Craig Venter: World Renowned Researcher into the creation of Artificial Life, and one or two others. References are made to everything from the bouncing bomb of Dam-busters fame, to a peanut butter sandwich, to the American Declaration of Independence and the Emperor’s New Clothes. (With that list at least I will get some approval from the diversity gestapo) The Bible figures largely, as do a lot of references to cutting edge science. If you are not at all interested in religion, truth, evolutionary theory, or science, or God, and the swarm of bees in my bonnet then you may find it heavy going. So be warned. All the best: Chris Higham I will give it a week before invading your inbox.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 08:53:24 +0000

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