AN ADVICE TO MY COLLEAGUES IN SPUTNIK and NIDOE. I have with mixed feelings read comments from you guys and gals on the issue concerning the Ukraine Crisis and have decided to offer a piece of advice here. Many of us studied in Russia at a time when there was virtually no difference between both peoples. Many of us still see them as brothers and sisters. We should desist from seeing the situation there the way the Western World is trying to paint it but look at it as educated professionals who not only got trained in this territory but lived with and interacted with the good people of these two nations and other surrounding ones. As far as I am concerned, my hope for our groups is to grow to a position where we will be in a position to ask for an audience with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine or any associated country in case of such an occurrence and make meaningful contributions as people who know these people well and as grateful well-wishers if not outright political associates. I agree that everyone has a right to his or her opinions on any issue but wish to advise that we try to be as objective as possible in our comments and the leadership of the groups need to start doing some real moderation of comments on the groups timeline as these are some of the yardsticks used to measure the level of literacy and professionalism of a group of people. I have always defended and will continue to defend the quality of education I got in Russia anytime, any day. May God bless us all and bless these words in our hearts and give us true understanding at all times. S Uvajeniem, Tovarish Kingslei Okpoh.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:41:26 +0000

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