AN EMOTIONAL SPEECH FROM MY DAD BEFORE SAYING BYE FOR MY DEPLOYMENT IN AFGHANISTAN. I will like to take this opportunity to say few things that need to be said, as you know my son’s deployment to Afghanistan, and I take a stand , that my father knows what his father wants and believes, many people have asked me, how I could encourage my son to join the military, to that all I can say that I am a patriot, I believe that America is one of the greatest country on earth, the greatest country on earth, we are blessed with unlimited freedom and unlimited opportunities, we are placed for any person who is willing to work hard to make a good living for himself, we are A nation, we are people of all nationalities and religions and political believes who can live together in peace and prosperity, we are not a perfect country but I do believe what we have is what we are defending and fighting for, and I believe when the old hand of one nation will no longer serve this nation that I love, will fall, and because of this my cautious will not allow me to discourage my son from serving, I believe in the mission of our military, believe or not we are not in war with Iraq and Afghanistan, we won those wars over 5 years ago, we defeated the armies on the battlefield, we toppled their governments, we occupied their countries, and our military should be committed for the job well done, and now we ask our military to do even difficult jobs, we ask them to rebuild our country and make us stand to be able to come home and not have to retire and the enemy they face is the enemy we set them over to fight in the first place and the media refers to this people as insurgents and militants but that is not what they are, they are radicle terrorists, extremists, and there tactics include placing booms inside of dead animals waiting for our arm troops to pass, they struck explosives on the middle of disabled people and the middle crowd market places, our enemies are so evil and so twisted, they believe that blowing themselves up and killing American children earn them a place in heaven, and I believe walking away from this fight is unacceptable, this people do want us to leave Iraq and Afghanistan and they do not only want to kill our soldiers, they want to kill you, me and our children, and to walk away from this is unacceptable and the consequences from such action is too horrible for me to imagine, once again this family gathers to send one of their own in the arms way, I say again many of us have served, with our grandfathers, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters , cousins and friends, uncles ,aunts who also honorably with distinction served this nation, my fellow comrades gave their lives in the fight for the freedom of this nation, so when you leave here today please think of these soldiers, do not think of them as faceless Americans, think of them as a member of your family and remember that every soldier that joins the military signs all his rights and all his freedom and raises his right hand and solemnly swears to defend you and die for you if necessary, and for that they should get your gratitude and your respect coz they deserve nothing less. I have not have had a easy life, but the hardest thing I have ever had to do is to watch a son go after war, like all parents, when I see him I always see my little boy, but I will try not to cry for him and I will try to be strong for him coz he is strong for me……. We would like you to carry this nations flag we give you to always remember that we are with you and we are behind your back… he saluted me and presented me as one of the Americas finest. Thank you dad for this right I will defend our nation from the foreign and domestic enemies that you enjoy the rest of your live, SIR.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:44:14 +0000

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