AN IRISH REALITY CHECK: THE ZIONIST PROBLEM AS A PART OF THE GLOBAL CRISIS The Zionist Leopard will never change its spots. These vicious old-world class warriors want to turn the clock back, not just to Victorian times like Joan Burton, but by thousands of years, as both their ideology and its criminal realisation in militarist state terrorism clearly demonstrates. There can be no middle ground here for anyone – and particularly not for those gutless collaborators who try to face both ways. The largest land grab of Palestinian territory ever seen is the peace gift which racist warmonger Netanyahu brings to the table of betrayal. Political Zionism will say anything, and do whatever is possible for it to grow its stolen possessions. And Burton, Kenny and their mouthpiece, RTE back them to the hilt! Our own disgrace as a people is that the far right Fine Gael Party, and their chameleon partners in the Labour Party who we elected (!), wring their hands in public while they also, in our name, back the racist Apartheid regime behind the secret doors of the New World Order Conspiracy. THEY HAVE NO MANDATE FOR THIS! This wretched coalition campaigned precisely against the havoc wrought by their predecessors, the Fianna Fail and Capitalist Green disasterhood. They were elected on a promise to undo the Troika-imposed anti-social regime of Austerity To Fix Broken Capitalism. Deliberate lies, as we warned, at the time, and they lost no time in grinding the millstones around the people’s necks even harder than the FF/Capitalist Greens. As proficient liars, they had made that choice long before they concocted their fig-leaf programme for a power grab. Of course they have made a choice both at home and abroad, They stand solidly with the 1% Corporate global dictatorship against working people everywhere. And more and more people are recognising this. (It’s called consciousness raising.) While they might occasionally angst over Netanyahus murderous attacks on the Palestinian people and/or on the working class inside the Israeli Capitalist State, they daily implement Austerity Politics here in Ireland - attacking workers here with imposed wage reductions, new taxes and charges to extract funding for their bailed-out buddies in 1%land, and prepare contingency plans for the social unrest which these policies will eventually provoke. What a bunch of artless hypocrites, these servants of the Troika! From Kiev to Kerry, their authority brings misery and hardship to the millions of humanity, the 99% of our species who have naively trusted them to deliver a civilised society. We must face the unavoidable fact that, with a broken system and an ideology based on the formal thinking ideas of 200 years ago, there is no chance - and there never will be - of the capitalist class solving the global problems threatening survival now. In fact, with their backward vision, they and their rule are the main part of the problem - the overwhelming content and essential nature of the theoretical and practical problems we confront. The for-profit mode of production (industry), distribution (trade), and exchange (money system), has ceased to function - it now creates the fictitious capital which is at the very root of its own terminal contradictions. We must urgently address the sustainable alternative of a progressive not-for-profit approach to meeting human needs and developing social infrastructure. But to do this we must remove the dead-hand of Corporate Market Capitalism from the reins of political power and administration. And we must defeat and remove their ideological dictatorship – their anti-scientific aggression in which media-driven indoctrination and reformist obfuscation is dousing discourse. This process involves, above all else, intellectual and theoretical preparation – the learning and understanding – of how such change can and does occur. The embracing of the dialectical method of grasping, contemplating, and scientifically thinking about nature, society, and human thought. And that means those who agree with the possibility of making economic democracy real, of making political democracy an immediate living process, of creating precisely what Karl Marx proposed when he spoke of Social Democracy (and not the vulgar parody of betrayal meant by Joan Burton et al when using the term – a perversion of language); those who genuinely seek to change the world and not just ‘interpret’ it in an elitist talk shop, they must bravely confront both the capitalist establishment and the backward looking labour and fake left establishment. They, these formal thinking opponents of dialectics, have made their choice – to support reaction. We must make ours now. I am calling for the widest open, honest, respectful and frank discussions on the essential questions of how to create a truly revolutionary socialist leadership to guide the creation of a non-sectarian, scientifically based cadre, drawn from the very best elements working sincerely across the self-identifying revolutionary left. In a phrase, to make real again, the tradition which the thousands of Irish workers who were comrades of James Connolly and his cadre, explored, developed in their time, and have left for us to pick up in our time. Our time is very different, and so we must grasp the spirit, method and meaning of the Marxist method they advocated, applying it to the realities of capitalist hegemony in a new stage, and its terminal era. Those who are real about this must urgently join hands and minds in a comradely fashion. And to those individualists and petty bourgeois ego-trippers who oppose dialectics and the orthodox approach of Scientific Socialism, who stubbornly turn their heads towards personality-based intrigues and the distant past – would they please got out of the way! Joan Burton and her gang have lots of inventive betrayal tasks for your energies, but each new day, as the crisis deepens and its contradictions sharpen, your role, as a 5th column in the movement of workers and the 99%, becomes more and more clearly exposed. Please step aside while you can still do it with a semblance of dignity! Or you will, in time, face the historic tribune of the people. fh 1/9/2014
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:26:10 +0000

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