AN OPEN LETTER TO EVAN JENSEN: Evan ~ I cannot comprehend why you - TopicsExpress


AN OPEN LETTER TO EVAN JENSEN: Evan ~ I cannot comprehend why you would ever send me a friend request when you are clearly no friend of mine. Three years ago I did an interview with you by request, an invitation which I truly appreciated, as no one really knew who I was at the time. You contacted me and offered me an opportunity to do your radio broadcast which gave me a modicum of exposure not long after I published my first book. You may recall that we spoke over the phone prior to the show so I could familiarize you with a story you knew virtually nothing about. You were polite, attentive and well spoken and seemed genuinely interested in our family story. The subsequent interview went very well and I thanked you as you thanked me. It was all very pleasant at the time. Then, from that point on, with impunity, you deliberately used my Facebook page and web presence as your own, presumptuously promoting your broadcast week in and week out with no regard for my opinion of the subject matter or guests and with no permission granted. Even though you never asked to do so, I allowed this blatant intrusion into my cyberspace for quite awhile because Im a nice woman and frankly, I felt obliged. In truth, I was not beholden to you in any way and soon discovered how my kindness extended would come back to bite me in the face during a critically important time in my life. As my work was coming to fruition, as elements of our story found their way to the silver screen, a dream come true, you became my worst nightmare. On July 15, 2013, the day The Conjuring had its Hollywood premiere, you knew I was there with my family and not hovering over my computer monitoring any lunatic fringe activity on Facebook. It was then you decided to strike, with forethought and malice. That was when you began your dirty little crusade with an insidious litany of criticism of a film you had not seen and the family associated with it, none of whom you know. My SEO administrator picked up on your tactics right away, though neither of us could fathom why you were doing it. Was it a pathetic cry for attention? She did all she could on my behalf to stop you from shedding your darkness as I began hunting for a silver lining with tears in my eyes. Her first frantic call came as I was leaving the hotel for the theater. Thanks for that, Evan. I wasnt nervous enough. I needed to be nauseated, too. I didnt have my password with me to pass to her so she could block your sorry ass and I had no access to a computer. But you knew that would be the case, didnt you, so you waited until I was thoroughly distracted, totally preoccupied, then took that opportunity to bombard my wall with your vile, vicious attacks against myself and my dear family. Though your comments were so poorly crafted they were virtually unintelligible, you made your presence known. You trashed me for fun and profit, no doubt. You splattered my wall with your repulsive diatribes and you dared to call us liars and frauds. Even though you never bothered to read the books (so had no idea what you were talking about or how very different the film was from the true story) you unleashed an unholy, hellacious, vitriolic smear campaign against me. I had never done anything to hurt you and displayed undue consideration you didnt deserve and even supported you by proxy, allowing you to use me for your own shameless self-promotion. After taking full advantage of me for more than a year you decided to lay in wait until I was on the road, fully engaged with other matters, then hit me again the day of the national debut on July 19th. Facebook shut you down, as the complaints from my real friends came fast and furious. The saving grace? Anyone with half a brain pays you no mind, as your reputation precedes you by light years. However, anything ugly on my wall is offensive, displeasing to me and many more, so it was good riddance to bad rubbish when I returned home. Now, three years later, youve decided to come after me again, accusing my para-partner George Lopez of the kind of behavior only you could conceive of, so, if you think you can to me through him, think again. He is a real man. You could take lessons from him though I suspect youd fail on all fronts. Your kind of broken cant be fixed, you sick, sad, pitiful excuse for a human being. Now, after all this torment, I intend to use your own tools to expose you for who you really are, Evan Jensen. Ill now go ahead and accept your friend request just long enough to post this personal indictment on your wall and share it far and wide within the para-community, most of whom already know what a scurvy character you are at heart, if youve got one at all. Just in case, let this be fair warning to you and anyone else among your cohorts who cares to take me on. Allow me to show you the power of pure righteous indignation and divine retribution. Good conquers evil and you will lose in the end. Do not seek redemption from me, as I pray there is a special hell for you and your kind to burn in for eternity. ~ Andrea Perron
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:10:35 +0000

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