AN OPEN LETTER TO HONBLE PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA Respected Sir, I am into Education profession for almost 10 years now. If we really want to change then we have to make 360 degree departure from Maculay based Education system that teaches Sanskrit through English. In my experience I have strongly felt that Education cannot be separated from any countrys Culture. But in India both are diametrically opposite. In my view schools are first cradle of learning of life long lessons on corruption, violence and gender bias. Education is a lifelong process and has never had defined and visibly identifiable boundaries. Lifelong learning means learning throughout the lifespan and in all walks of life. For the principle of lifelong learning to be realised, it is vital that knowledge and competencies are made visible and knowledge and skills are valued to the full wherever, whenever and however they have been acquired. When done correctly, the identification and recognition of prior learning will make for a well-working education and qualification system and improve the motivation and progress of the individual in education and in working life. Educational legislation already provides for the recognition of non-formal learning. The practices and effect of recognition vary, however. The assessment of learning is often felt to be difficult and laborious, or the recognition has no effect on studies. Recognising knowledge acquired in different ways also entails competence-based definition of qualification requirements. It is only when the target learning is sufficiently well defined that the individual’s learning can be assessed in relation to it. Educational institutions and various other operators provide guidance counselling in support of studies and the choice of education and career and compile information about different types of work and education. There are, however, development needs and blind spots in the provision of guidance counselling. The competence of guidance counsellors also entails constant development. Regards Rajesh Srivastava
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 19:31:43 +0000

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