ANATOMY OF A POSE BIG TOE POSE PADANGUSTHASANA STUART LEE Flexion from the hips allows the upper body to come forward and passively hang. Exten-sion through the arms means the index and middle fingers of each hand can reach be-tween and around the big toes. The stretch is mainly focused on the ham-strings which is a made up of three muscles; two running on the inside of the thigh, origi-nating from the sit bone in the pelvis and in-serting into the tibia bone on the lower inside leg. The third muscle, bicep femoris, runs from the midline of the leg originating from the sit bone and the upper part of the femur bone, and inserts into the fibula bone on the outside lower leg, at the side of the knee. For the last few issues the word fascia has been used to describe the relationship be-tween the muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones of the body. When performing Padangusthasana, make sure your feet are parallel and about six inches apart; this will avoid any miss-align-ment with the knee. The superficial back line (sbl), which is The posTerior fascial connecTion, runs from The boT-Tom of The fooT up inTo The skull. This will go inTo exTension when going inTo The pose .so even Though we Talk of The primary sTreTch being The hamsTrings and calf muscles; iT is really secondary, as The fascia is The primary sTreTch. posTures will go deeper if we can relax inTo The sTreTch and under-sTand when we are accessing The fascial sysTem. by focusing on The breaTh and relaxing inTo The posTure you can Then engage The whole of The sbl. Do not practice if you are suffering from lower back or neck problems. This Article is from August 2011 Issue. To buy this Issue please click the link below :
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 12:52:08 +0000

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