ANCYL RESPONSE TO THE OUTGOING AND DESPARATE EXECUTIVE MAYOR OF SEKHUKHUNE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY AND WAYFOWARD ANCYL SEKHUKHUNE REGION For immediate Release 14 October 2014 The Ancyl is perturbed and shocked about the emotional blackmail statement issued by the outgoing Mayor of Sekhukhune Municipality. Mr David Magabe It is sad that the outgoing Mayor wants to lecture us on how he has led youth structures, which in our view is a cheap attempt to deviate attention from the core issue which youth development, he decided to take his time and lecture us on how he led youth structures but failed to explain why the Municipality has functioned for more than 7 years without a youth officer under his watch. We still irritarate our call for the implementation of the Zithabiseni conference that the outgoing and desperate Mayor must be redeployed. We will like to take this opportunity to remind the Outgoing and desperate Mayor that, his redeployment shouldn’t be attributed to individuals within the youth league structures and be characterized as an attack on him. Our call is organizational and informed by Zithabiseni Conference resolution ,where the Outgoing and desperate Mayor was part of and defeated to retain his position as a regional chair of Anc, All Commissions in a conference anonymously agreed that David Magabe must be redeployed. So David must stop being a cry baby and petty, Mayor ship is not an inheritance or chiefiency,. Ancyl in Sekhukhune Region is not apologetic to call for David Magabe and Mapule Mokoko’s removal and we will continue to do so till they are removed, , it doesn’t need a rocket scientist that since the appointment of David Magabe as an Executive Mayor the state of Youth Development in Sekhukhune has deteriorated Challenges 1. David Magabe has since failed to appoint a youth officer for more than 7years who will be charged with responsibility to facilitate and mainstream youth development within the Municipality 2. There is no clear and coherent programme of action towards youth development in the whole of Sekhukhune 3. Bursaries and internships only benefit children, girlfriends of officials and Politicians, therefore we call David Magabe and his Security guard Willy Mosoma to publish the name and addresses of beneficiaries that have benefited from this bursaries and internship opportunities. 4. Employment opportunities still benefit girlfriends, children, and immediate families of officials. and we are not sure whether David Magabe and his reckless directors are challenging us to publicly release their corruption 5. Business Opportunities still benefit people from Gauteng and Mpumalanga Province, young people and citizens of Sekhukhune remain excluded in their own economy 6. Sekhukhune is rich in minerals, our people remain excluded from employment\and business opportunities, it only benefits children and girlfriends of officials 7. Relocation of Sekhukhune district offices from lebowakgomo to Sekhukhune 8. There is no contingency plan, while Sekhukhune citizens still awaiting for the completion of de hoop dam Proposals of the ANCYL 1. We proposed that all Municipalities to adopt the JS Moroka procurement model, wherein Business opportunities are ring fenced and preference will be given to Sekhukhune people 2. A sizable and decisive budget should be set aside for Youth Projects empowerment 3. Integration of LED units and Youth Units 4. Establishment of youth directorates in all Municipalities, so that youth matters can find expression at highest decision level within municipalities 5. Establishment of unemployed youth data base 6. Establishment of a mining academy which will be situated in Sekhukhune 7. SDORM Programme should be supported , our offices must be relocated and be spread across the regions, Provincial government public works owns many unused buildings in the region while we still waiting for the finalization of land from Makgosi as purported by the security guard of the outgoing and desperate David Magabe 8. Clear contingency plan should made available for our people to continue to get clean and drinkable water till the de hoop construction is finished and ready to supply our people with water 9. Establishment of a University satellite branch in Sekhukhune The Ancyl rejects the statement issued by Outgoing and desperate David Magabe , we view these statement as a blackmailing statement for shoes to remain at the helm of the Municipality so that he can continue with impunity, corruption and looting of state resources. The anc in the region cannot and will never be used to defend corruption, impunity and patronage. The ancyl chooses not respond to the thumb suck numbers presented by the security guard of the outgoing David Magabe, we all know how willy Mosoma was rewarded with the managerial position in the district, we will not degenerate, it is expected for the security guard willy Mosoma to lie and claim provincial and national programmes an record them as their own initiative in defense of his supervisor David Magabe Ancyl wants confirm it again that Sekhukhune is a recruitment agency for girlfriends, children and immediate families of Politicians and officials, whether this is viewed as rationalistic, or xenophobic by the security guard, its immaterial to us, we will not be ashamed to call for beneficiation of our people Wayward The Ancyl has noted calls from our structures for a need to convene ancyl Lekgotla in the region, with a view of finding lasting solutions on the state of youth development, details will be communicated to all our structures as soon as we have finalized every detail The ancyl is considering a possible march to occupy Sekhukhune offices to intensify our call and the implementation the Zithabiseni conference; we will make necessary consultations with all stakeholders in the region and information will be provided in due course The ancyl remains unapologetic to call for Economic Emancipation of people of Sekhukhune HONEYMOON IS OVER AND WE SHALL NOT REST TILL SHOES IS REMOVED “ YOUTH ACTION FOR ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN OUR LIFETIME” Issued by the ANCYL Sekhukhune Region Media Enquiries: 0738365864 (Vusi Ntuli) ntulivf@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:10:07 +0000

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